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Everything posted by PoPmyThumb

  1. what i dont get is why Rocket just does not take the dead bodies out of the game? They dont do anything buy cause issues and they serve no purpose to the game.
  2. PoPmyThumb

    Fix for the artifacting.

    my bad i forgot to save the settings in the notepad so i re-did it and i works like a charm thank you
  3. PoPmyThumb

    Fix for the artifacting.

    sadly i just did this and it did not work :(
  4. PoPmyThumb

    Graphics glitch?

    happend to me at stary, then again at bolta airfieild.
  5. PoPmyThumb

    [Graphics] Weird bug/glitch

    same thing happend to me today when i updated to the new patch
  6. PoPmyThumb

    Graphic Glitch: The Fractal Nuke

    i havent found a fix but the same thing happend to me when i updated today.