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Everything posted by Lomi

  1. See it was all good until the passing paragraph. I have never played CoD, BF3 or in fact fucking Angry Birds. In fact most of my time is spent playing indie games. The community here can be very elitist. One mention of something that isn't quite right and the answer is that you should go play CoD. This topic is about trying to get new players such as myself a better experience. Whilst we still have to deal with such unhelpful people as this community has it will always be tough. Why would most new players put up with the bad inventory system, bad controls and bugs that an alpha has if the community behind it won't actually make it worthwhile? If the moment we ask for help we are told to go and play a different game then soon there won't be any new players. Myself I am looking beyond the flaws in the game and finding the fun game beneath, but most won't while the game is populated by idiots.
  2. Totally agree. People somehow think that hard=good. Honestly it has no relevance. If the game forced you to complete some sort of algorithmic equation before you were allowed to pick up anything it would be harder, it wouldn't be better though. And as I said my main frustrations aren't at the level of difficulty, but more at the limitations of the engine. Not being able to jump makes the game harder, but it certainly doesn't make it better. Having to pick an axe up, remove the axe from your toolbelt, equip it as a main weapon, 'reload' it just so that you can hit a zombie that chased you into the building is a lot 'harder' than it needs to be, and it makes the game a lot worse than just picking up the axe and swinging it.
  3. Thanks for the reply. I think the frustrations I have are mainly due to the engine. not to harp on about the Dead Linger, but it is having to build an engine up from scratch so it can do the things people want. Dayz will always be limited. For example, loot will always have to respawn due to the map being of a limited size (it is big, but not really big enough). Controls are tied to the engine too. And being a war sim in the background means that the game does have to track every zombie meaning there will always be that limit. As I said I do enjoy the game, but the limitations frustrate me. It is not whether or not I start with a weapon, or whether or not I know the location of everything. It is the fact that there are basic things that I want to be able to do that i can't. For example punch zombies, jump over roof tops, climb walls, emote to other players (wave, cheer etc.). These are the things that frustrate me and luckily enough I assume some of them will be resolved over time.
  4. Started about a week ago. When I started I had no weapons, no morphine and no idea. I didn’t even really know what the controls were. Needless to say I lasted about 10 minutes. Tried again, made it to 20 minutes. Tried again got to around 30 minutes. In all this time I still hadn’t found a weapon. By my 6th-7th attempt I found an axe, I ran around taking as many zombies with me as possible just to get my own back and then died. By my 10th attempt I was surviving ok. Heading towards towns and scavenging. I think it was about now I got killed by a player for the first time, I only had an axe at the time. By try 12 or 13 (I am nothing if not persistent) I had a rough grasp of the location of a few barns. I could get a weapon and survive zombies. I still die, most commonly by players now though. I still have yet to find any morphine (or even a hospital). My main criticisms as a new player that i found frustrating. 1/ Too many locked buildings, you can have an entire village without a single building enterable (not sure if we are allowed to mention other games but in the forth coming planet wide zombie survival game “The Dead Linger” every building will be enterable, this is how it should be) 2/ Controls are sucky to say the least, seriously not even a proper jump button (unless I have missed it). I want to be able to vault a small fence, not have to stop my running and perform some little hop. I appreciate we are carrying a lot of gear, but come on! I was on a building once and there was a roof literally 20cm away and I had no way to get across, I could step across that! 3/ Broken legs at the slightest drop. Step slightly too far off a flight of steps and BAM! You are crawling for the next few hours unless you have magic morphine. This is too unforgiving. 4/ The graphics when hurt aren’t dramatic, just bloody annoying. I have been in pain many times and have never seen any less colour from this, let alone black and white! I don’t mind the shakes and a bit of blurring, but the rest is a little OTT. 5/ Zombies only spawning near buildings means that there is no tension anywhere else on the map. Given the most of the map is hills and forests this means that too much of the game is a walking simulator. I don’t want zombie hordes, but give me something to keep me on my toes. I wouldn’t say I am now good at the game, far from it. In fact I still have only ever lasted over an hour 3 times. I did once almost kill someone, but they alt f4’d on me. I do like this game and hope that it continues to improve, but to be honest it is only tiding me over until something a little more immersive comes along (back to the Dead Linger) again