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=ATS= Striker

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Everything posted by =ATS= Striker

  1. RECRUITMENT IS CLOSED FOR ABOUT A WEEK CHECK BACK AFTER AUG 24TH. =ATS= requirements Age of 18+ Active and Mature Team Speak 3 Team Player New and old as long as you are willing to learn. Ingame name must have =ATS= before it. example =ATS= Striker ( forum name is optional ) =ATS= strives to be a highly tactical clan, let it be during clan wars or just a quick looting run tactics are always in play, practicing and learning we will always adapt to the situation and get out alive, or die trying we will never give up we will fight till the end, no man is left behind. Current Member Count ( 5 ) =ATS= Rules Work as a team if you are not willing to work as a team player then do not bother joining. If the player looks like a threat take him down. Call out shots fired. Call out enemy's spotted. Don't fall for traps, if it looks too good to be true it's a trap. Be on TS3 when online. No Combat Logging ( Alt F4 ) No Hacking =ATS= Goals Voice comm's ( Achieved ) Website ( Under Construction ) Gaining new members ( In Progress ) Ranking Structure ( In Progress ) Our own server ( In Progress ) =ATS= is a multi gaming clan starting on DayZ. To Join fill this form out. Age: Ingame Name: TZ and Country: Are you willing to use TS3: Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ) What type of role would best suit you: If you are selected to join I will send you a mail on the website with the TS3 details, I will not be posting our roster on the forums. My steam is =ATS= Striker
  2. RECRUITMENT IS CLOSED FOR ABOUT A WEEK CHECK BACK AFTER AUG 24TH. for future applications do not reply to mails sent by anyone about joining this clan except for the listed names, there has been reports of people faking that they are in =ATS= and sending mails to potential recruits, with false TS info and info about us. RECRUITERS 1. =ATS= abeL 2. =ATS= Striker 3. Jedimind =ATS= requirements Age of 18+ Active and Mature Team Speak 3 Team Player New and old as long as you are willing to learn. Ingame name must have =ATS= before it. example =ATS= Striker ( forum name is optional ) =ATS= strives to be a highly tactical clan, let it be during clan wars or just a quick looting run tactics are always in play, practicing and learning we will always adapt to the situation and get out alive, or die trying we will never give up we will fight till the end, no man is left behind. Current Member Count ( 17 ) =ATS= Rules Work as a team if you are not willing to work as a team player then do not bother joining. If the player looks like a threat take him down. Call out shots fired. Call out enemy's spotted. Don't fall for traps, if it looks too good to be true it's a trap. Be on TS3 when online. No Combat Logging ( Alt F4 ) No Hacking =ATS= Goals Voice comm's ( Achieved ) Website ( Under Construction ) Gaining new members ( In Progress ) Ranking Structure ( In Progress ) Our own server ( In Progress ) =ATS= is a multi gaming clan starting on DayZ. To Join fill this form out. Age: Ingame Name: TZ and Country: Are you willing to use TS3: Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ) What type of role would best suit you: If you are selected to join I will send you a mail on the website with the TS3 details, I will not be posting our roster on the forums. My steam is =ATS= Striker
  3. =ATS= Striker

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    He is a hacker that got shot to hell, he is mad that not even as a hacker who had 4 guys AND SHOT FIRST could not win the fire fight, when all 4 had thermal and we did not. I will just quote what one of my commanders said to you Mr Jay. but anyway don't spam my recruitment thread with stupid junk. Have a good one, we will be looking forward to fighting you again, if you do not fight us in the future, I wish you luck on you're travel.
  4. =ATS= Striker

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    Skeith95, Sabain accepted.. TS3 info sent.
  5. =ATS= Striker

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    we normally have about 7-14 people online from 1-3pm est till about 3-4am est.
  6. =ATS= Striker

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    valince, Markus Letifer, eze01, Fairwell accepted TS3 Info sent.
  7. =ATS= Striker

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    GodsBong, Marth07 Accepted TS3 info sent.
  8. =ATS= Striker

    "Can only ban confirmed hackers"

    Just wait for WarZ... Honestly DayZ is fucked when that comes out, this community is not the best not member wise but the admins and mods, and all these massive rules are just down right stupid as shit.
  9. =ATS= Striker

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    no one is getting ignored in the TS3 what are you talking about? flywing accepted. for future applications do not reply to mails sent by anyone about joining this clan except for the listed names, there has been reports of people faking that they are in =ATS= and sending mails to potential recruits, with false TS info and info about us. RECRUITERS 1. Ergoproxxies 2. =ATS= Striker 3. Jedimind
  10. =ATS= Striker

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    Friendlyincherno, Amarte, Tterska, yokaishonen accepted TS3 info sent.
  11. Ever since me and my group got this new patch, when we are switching servers no matter where we are we are spawning on the coast every time, has this been happening to anyone else?? Also before someone says it's just you, I am talking about eight different people, more by the time the rest of the crew gets on.
  12. Here is how it began, my crew crashed a helicopter into a hackers base killing them, after that they put god mode on and spawned all the cars in the game into the middle of the map, then spawned flying buses, o and just a fyi [iG] clan is the hackers. There was alot more that did happen I was unable to capture it on video since it was not near me, one of my crew got turned into a goat, there was flying cows and parachuting cows there was stuck helicopters in the sky not falling just sitting there with the engine turned off. How the hell is battleye not able to detect this type of shit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nxcdkv6o20
  13. Battleye say's they have banned 11,000 people, if that were true you would not be seeing the same hackers week after week in the same servers, doing the same shit.. I am seriously starting to know the hackers by name I am seeing them that often.
  14. =ATS= Striker

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    warpath13, soulvirtue, hareprison accepted ts3 sent.
  15. =ATS= Striker

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    Kr1msyn accepted, TS3 info sent.
  16. =ATS= Striker

    Spawning at the coast, anyone else?

    Since you mentioned gear missing, I am unsure if this has happened to anyone before the patch or after it, but sometimes when me or one of my guys join's a server this is rare btw, he will spawn outside the map and die instantly, then respawn with any outfit he was wearing... but no gear.
  17. =ATS= Striker

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    Rammsbigtoe accepted ts3 info sent.
  18. =ATS= Striker

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    Jordigger accepted ts3 info sent.
  19. =ATS= Striker

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    Yukkimura, Purified76, xmayze Accepted TS3 info sent.
  20. =ATS= Striker

    Question about servers

    I know a servers have the option to turn vehicle spawn off, I was wondering if the servers had the ability to only select what vehicles spawn? my group of about 10+ have been looking at all the vehicle spawns on the map and scouting around the map for a couple days for hidden vehicles etc, we cant find a single thing except for 1 broken ATV.. so my main question is can a server select what vehicles spawn? and if so how do we check if the server has made it so other vehicles don't spawn etc?
  21. =ATS= Striker

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    Hagencaveman, Slushies, Kaiokhen, JediMind, TheSlenderMan, ergoproxies, xMurKx, Iths, MastaBlasta Accepted TS3 info sent.
  22. =ATS= Striker

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    Bourne, Marcus and saiint accepted, member count is now at 10+ TS3 info sent, welcome.
  23. =ATS= Striker

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    kongla and syburr accepted ts3 info sent.
  24. =ATS= Striker

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    kinda hard for any ats member to do that when the members that are online are in the same server. Please get you're facts straight before saying lies. byrd and tabacious accepted TS3 info has been mailed to you.
  25. =ATS= Striker

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    gg and gummy, you have been accepted and TS3 details have been mailed to you.