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Everything posted by Skithe

  1. Skithe

    Bring DayZ to console aswell!

    The big Hate for the cosole to PC war comes from the fact Console's breed redundancy A (See CoD), And once available Ports that get coded for Consoles then sent to PC as an after thought OR treat us as if we cant tell the difference between a made for PC game or Port. See Dead Island/CoD. Beyond that Console gamers have very little grasp at a Hardcore mind set. I.E. WoW's slow decline to casuality after it became non taboo to play an MMO. They expect short cuts and easy ways out. Not to mention expect a patch evey day and have no grasp on code nore the time it takes to dev a code that is compatable with millions of CPU builds rather than a cut and paste Xbawks hardware profile. So if you are an advid game the hate isnt to the console. Its to the populous that have a 1 track mindset. Saying this I hope that DUST does not destory EVE as far as cross platforming. goes.
  2. Skithe

    Any one have a spare stream copy?

    What is this Stream you speak of?
  3. Skithe

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    After my friends finally bought the game *waited on the steam sell* I decided I would make haste to go find them from my nice little hidey hole. My buddy had made it to cherno and up on a ladder at one of the cranes. The zombies were absolutley crawling around it. All I could imagine while he was talking to me over vent was the Benny Hill theme song.. I had not realized just how big a crowd he drew. I began taking them out slowly with the M1911 I had acquired saving my main ammo from the combat shotty for anything big later on. Cleared them and went up top. I gave him an extra makarov i had as well as other aminities. Everything was peachy so we decided to climb down and go inland to camp... Well I happened to hit V as i was on top of the ladder by accident.... By this time I was already yelling NO!NO!NO!NO!NO! over vent many times in succession. So having fell to my death(I had 9k blood) I told my friend to get my stuff and come meet me... He could not find the ladder down part walked to far forward broke a leg and had a bleed out. The second time comes from a trip we decided to take and grab supplies. After a god run we happened upon a car. Took it and on the way back found a broke bike. I was like holy crap were coming back for that. So took the car to camp and came back. Got side tracked on the way back and found a van. Double score. Took the van and said ok were not walking another 30 mins again just to get back to the bike. Went in town found some items fixed the bike drove to camp. So 3 vehicles in the matter of 3 hours of adventure not bad at all. I decided it was ADVENTURE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!! We took the bike and like a merrily gay(happy) couple we were on our way, After a 10 min drive south east of Stary we find a downed helicopter. Hell it was my first time seeing one and he was still faily a noob. Going against my best instincts and being that only 15 people were on the server at the time I decided to check it out. Cleaning up the zombies he got hit and went down having his leg broke and knocked out. We both figured it was just the zombies but it turned out that a sniper had hit him. However it was not until I heard the gun crack and I myself was bleeding out that we knew what happened.... Goodbye motorcycle. I loved you so much.
  4. I think a good way to look at the cars being junked would be baracades and hold outs against zombies. So as people ran they ran out of gas, stranded against hundreds or thousands they turned to using them as a space between them and the zeds. Not to mention one could assume this was a 3rd world country where a Z virus went rampant through an already war torn country as a means of forced control on the population.
  5. As much as I like your suggestion I dont think that Engines should be non repairable. Having worked on a few in my life there is always something you can do even if it comes to fabrication. Granted if these workshops have not been raided for arc weilds and selephane tanks and the such then removing parts just to use as patches from old vehicles would be even more viable. Not to mention stripping cars to just a frame to build Mad Max style cars. Wheels I agree with that for realisitic state any 15 inch tire/rim takes a bit of effort to move because of its cumbersom size. The frequency of car spawns I am split on. You can have a good fabricator take nothing and turn it into something. I mean some go carts run off lawnmower motors. So more improvised vehicles seems legit however finding a non tampered with car would be something of a rarity. On the con side of that you would have people camp these workshops for easy vehicles and greifing just as NW airfield and Stary and hospitials are now.