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About Rienspy

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    Gaming ofc.
  1. Same problem here, only solution for me to play DayZ is using DayZcommander, but then he loads Lingor Island (but I want Chernarus!) ... :(
  2. Rienspy

    I Need Help!

    I think you have to go in your windows registry and do some tweaks (I think he somehow uses your CD-code, since your character is binded to that).
  3. Rienspy

    I feel like a bandit...

    I killed a girl (skin) once, just to try how effective my M16A2 bullets were, that's beeing a bandit. What you did was self-defense, I you wouldn't have killed him, he would've killed you. So you don't have to feel a bandit about that, DayZ is a survival game, not only against Zeds, but also against players. You did what you had to do to survive... Which gun did you loot from him btw? :P
  4. Rienspy

    Possible to play it for free?

    Nope, you have to buy Arma II and Operation Arrowhead (=expansion for Arma II) to play DayZ. I also heard of a way to play DayZ with only Operation Arrowhead and Arma II free, but that's less legitimate and you still have to pay... I guess you'll be better of buying Arma II Combined Operations (Thats Arma II and Arma II OA in a promotion package), or you can wait for the standalone game to be released. But DayZ is definately worth the money!
  5. Rienspy

    what the?...

    Maybe when you disconnected when you were killed, the hive didn't save you character (so for the hive, your high-geared character was still alive) and when you respawned, it didn't save too probably. And when you connected today, the hive loaded your old character ... The hive is a weird thing, and sometimes, luck is on your side ;)
  6. Rienspy

    Location help?

    When you've broken your legs, the respawn button is enabled again I thought...
  7. Rienspy

    DayZ Memes

  8. Rienspy

    Am I too trigger happy?

    I was killed in the back once while filling my water bottle, I was very much pissed off, but I learnt a good lesson: when you see someone who's not your friend, kill him. It may sound rude, but this game is, if you don't kill him, he may kill an other person. Because what do people do when they have nice gear? Right, go camp and kill people... So you do other people a favor by killing their future murderer (I know it sounds like a paradox, but actually this game is about to kill or be killed). You did a good job killing that person, because what would he've done once he earned your thrust?