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About jonzay

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  1. This feature is currently broken, as it simply states the player's name and that they were "killed by ." I would like to suggest that when the study body feature is fixed, instead of saying WHO they were killed by, or what WEAPON was used to kill them, simply state the ammunition type used to kill them instead. This forces players to actually think about what happened to the body, rather than automatically knowing there's a sniper nearby or knowing who to avoid. Obvious exceptions are environmental, fall, melee and zombie related deaths.
  2. (Offtopic) Do those count as flags on the alt f4 system? That's probably something that'd need to be addressed.
  3. Wasn't aware of this. =/ Valid reason, but why aren't you waiting it out? Eh... you either took the risk by logging in after being shot then logging out, or you aren't unconscious for long and the chance of lagging out is low in such a small timeframe.
  4. I know we are getting a system that will track Alt F4's for abuse, and aborts, and kicks, etc, but I cannot think of a single reason for a player to legitimately exit the game while unconscious. I therefore propose that if a player logs out while unconscious, they are killed instantly (upon relog). Whether they die upon gaining control of their character or just sent to the gender select screen isn't really relevant to this discussion. Since there is a huge hourglass in the middle of their screen and they cannot access any controls, the player will always know of their condition, so not knowing you were unconscious is not a reasonable argument. Poor internet connection is also not a reasonable argument, for the following reasons: You aren't unconscious for very long (or very often) unless you have logged out with the shock status and are sitting through the 5 minute wait. If you are sitting through the 5 minute wait, there is no reason for you to be logging out, since you took the risk by logging out while in the shock status, and have to pay the price. If you do have a poor internet connection, your random disconnects are going to be getting you flagged with Rocket's new anti-alt f4 system anyway. Not much you can do about that, and a death is not as bad as a database ban. Any thoughts?
  5. jonzay

    how to kill my char

    Respawn button works, if you have a broken leg, and doesn't otherwise.
  6. jonzay

    how to kill my char

    Respawn button works if you have a broken leg.
  7. I thought people were only considered bandits if they had 5+ murders on their current life. What about all the people who have killed 1 to 4 players?
  8. Just a quick question: Does being kicked by the server count as an abort (i.e. Regular disconnect) or connection drop (i.e. Alt F4)? If it counts an an abort, server admins could potentially exploit that as the new way to alt f4. If it counts as a connection drop, server admins could troll players to lower their reputation. Probably something that needs to be addressed =/
  9. This is entirely possible, and a risk a player takes by mimicing zombie movements.
  10. Important: This would not fool zombies at all, and would not change the appearance of the players skin. This is a very situational idea. Furtheremore, this does not allow the player to run like an aggro'd zombie, only move like unaggro'd ones. I think there should be a way for players to mimic zombie movements, such as a button to hold or toggle which changes your walk or crouch movements into the respective zombie animations. This would have no effect whatsoever on a zombies detection of you (compared to the way you'd be moving without mimicing zombie movement). Instead, this would be used to fool other players who see you in the distance into thinking you're just another zombie, and therefore not pay particular attention to you, or avoid you. As this does not change your skin, players with binoculars, scopes or decent eyesight will still be able to tell you are a regular survivor (especially since you have a backpack), but this is to fool players you do not wish to engage, who see you out of the corner of their eyes, or off in the far distance. This also does not remove player tags (in servers that have them), so the movements are even less effective at close range. Plus, sometimes it might be amusing to act like a zombie. Any thoughts?
  11. A single animal does not supply an infinite amount of meat, but a lake/pump supplies an infinite amount of water.
  12. Sometimes you'll be in the middle of nowhere, with no zombies around, and a broken leg. I'm not saying this is the only reason it's needed, but I've seen quite a few people complaining about the loss of a suicide function.
  13. I recently read that in the upcoming update, the respawn menu option will no longer kill the player (and will instead do nothing or be otherwise unavailable). If that is to intentionally stop players from being able to suicide (without any realistic means to do so) then this post is useless and should be ignored. However, if it is because players have been accidentally hitting it while attempting to click on other menu options, I have a solution. A new toolbelt item (which I'll refer to as a suicide pill, although it would be any suitable item as rocket sees fit) which all players spawn with. When right clicked and used, brings up a prompt to confirm that the player really wishes to commit suicide. Once confirmed, the item deals massive damage to the player, enough to guarantee a death. I've been informed that it's pretty easy to script confirmation prompts into scripted items, so there should not be any accidental uses of the item. I also don't see any reason for the player to be able to drop the item, but I'm not sure if it's possible to prevent players from dropping items. To prevent player spawn hopping (if that is a reason to prevent suiciding, although players will just run into a group of zombies anyway), a simple timer can be put into place. Since the game already tracks how long you have survived for (how else would we have the "average lifespan" statistic on the main day z website), it would be reasonably easy to require the player to have been alive for X minutes (30? 60?) before allowing use of the suicide pill, perhaps with some flavour message of the player not having given up hope of survival yet. Any thoughts?