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Everything posted by chris_heyward

  1. chris_heyward

    Item spawns...

    Then do what everyone else does. Go further inland, find a quieter server, or server hop to find your loot (preferably not the latter)
  2. chris_heyward

    DayZ Interactive Loot Map Viewer (Download)

    Looks like a nice tool. But you do know there is already one out right? They have been providing maps like this for years and I think they are just waiting for the info to update the SA map. DayzDB.com. Send the guy a message and give him the info. But if you plan on updating what you have made, make it compatible with all machines and change the bland red dots to something else. Its impossible to tell quickly whether its a residential spawn or military spawn.
  3. chris_heyward

    SA in need of private hives

    Not really. I was discussing on a thread a few days ago about this issue and a few of us came up with an idea that could minimise server hoppers/combat loggers. Stopping combat logging is easy once dean implements the clone feature and to stop server hoppers, you basically force everyone to log out away from a city. If you have played DayZ Epoch, you will notice that you cannot log out in a trader city. Having something like this stopping people logging out in a building/town/city and forcing them to head to a forest or field to log will stop server hoppers. And for the ones that try to ALT+F4 in a city or barrack, get randomly spawned in a tree line around said city upon login. The downside to that however, is that mechanic could potentially get abused by combat loggers if they survive the wait period/clone feature.
  4. chris_heyward


    Like Strite wrote earlier, seasons would be awesome. I was thinking about that for SA the other day and was going to write something but there is no feature suggestion sub-forum for SA so I take it Rocket and his crew are not accepting input
  5. chris_heyward

    Some DayZ Standalone suggestions

    You say you have used the search feature, but these have already been covered hundreds of times. The 'private' servers you are on about are called Private Hives and you CANNOT take gear from one to the other unless the admin has say 3 servers running from the same hive and sets it up this way which is quite rare. Alot of people are pushing for private hives as it allows them to customise the server loot spawn rates and kills server hoppers. And about the bandit system. From what I understand, there won't be one. Standalone is meant to be realistic in some way and not as easy as the mod (hence all the tears already). Figuring out if someone is bandit is all part of the game. If you don't know if the guy is a bandit, then stay away from him/her unless you have someone in the bushes with a Mosin ready to drop the guy in a heartbeat if any banditry occurs. Can you walk down the street right now and see a sign above someones head pointing and saying 'This guy is a jerk?' No you cannot, so why should DayZ be set to easy mode? Standalone is basically going to be a hardcore version of the mod.
  6. chris_heyward

    Server Hopping/Combat logging-How it ruins the Dayz experience

    I agree with you also. I have always hated server hopping as it DOES destroy the whole aspect of DayZ. Dean created this game and wanted it to be sort of realistic. If that is the case, he needs to either abolish the whole public hive thing or find a way that will stop server hoppers 100%. The first time I played the mod on a hived server, I pinned a guy down in a industrial building. He then combat logged, switched servers, ran behind where I was going to be and logged back in behind my last known position. But unfortunately for him, I knew he was going to do that and moved up to behind where he was going to log in at and I shot him. Things like this destroy the game. If I wanted to watch someone switch between dimensions (that's what they are doing... lol), I would just watch an episode of Sliders or Stargate. What you suggested there is good. Forcing people to log out away from a town/city is a damn good idea and the people who ALT+F4 or disconnect in a city to bypass this should spawn randomly around said town/city outskirts or nearest tree line. Once that is implemented, you now have to worry about the combat loggers abusing that mechanic..
  7. chris_heyward

    What happens if you log off in combat in other MMO's?

    I take it your post subject was the question right? EvE Online has a sweet log out mechanic for people who log off in combat. When you log out in general (not in combat), you stay in game for 60 seconds. If you log out IN combat, you stay in game for 15 minutes. Granted that would be a bit excessive for DayZ but that sort of thing at a reduced time would stop them and force them to fight and possibly win, or log out and die
  8. Umm... I'm not sure if you, or anyone else have noticed but after I registered on your bug reporting site (http://feedback.dayzgame.com), I keep getting spammed with emails containing users Sign-in names, emails and IP addresses. Is this meant to happen? Emails look like the following: (*removed personal data)
  9. chris_heyward

    BIG Problem. ADMINS/Rocket/Bohemia need to fix ASAP

    I had 2 user details sent multiple times. I thought I had more but after checking, I only have 2. I saw the first email and many more with the same subject and was like "I gotta report this shit" and came here. Was going to try BIStudio support but support mails get read a few months down the line and didn't fancy getting a database dump emailed to me during that time. Anyways, as long as it is sorted now, its all good
  10. chris_heyward

    Best Epoch Panthera Server

    Yeah, you have the wrong forum bud. This is the forum for Standalone, you want the DayZ mod forum or the Epoch forum
  11. chris_heyward

    Your first encounter with a player in SA

    Did he happen to have a quiet microphone? And you had trouble hearing him for about 2 minutes... But yeah, my first encounter was in Solnichy. I heard footsteps in the dark and I came across another fellow 'Hatchet Warrior'. He put his away and made out he was friendly so I did the same. Then he ran at me at a silly speed and pulled his hatchet out and beat me to death with it and stole all my stuff.
  12. chris_heyward

    >mfw Standalone Thread!

    I was on TS and someone came into channel and said "Standalone is on Steam for £20". Then I was like
  13. chris_heyward

    Private Hives are the way forward?

    I love private hives right now but I do hope that SA will be public hive. Due to the fact that Rocket has spoken alot with the CCP guys who made EvE Online. If he has taken home anything from those conversations, I hope to god its the way CCP have set up their server. Those of you who play EvE will understand what I am on about. There may be only the one server that has tens of thousands of people on it but it's split into nodes where thousands of people can run around if need be. To pull this off however, Rocket would need to create ALOT of maps and make a world where EVERY SINGLE DayZ player could fit into it. It would be awesome but hard for Bohemia to pull off in any time frame.
  14. chris_heyward

    Game keeps minimizing

    Umm.. There is a number of things that could cause this. Last time I came across an issue like this though, it was due to a computer virus taking screenshots and recording keystrokes. (I used to work in a PC repair shop). To fix this, do a complete clean of your PC using proper tools. (This does not mean Norton, McAfee or Avast. These programs are rubbish and a waste of money. 9 out of the 10 PC's that came in for virus removals/cleaning ran this crap). If you have any of those, uninstall them now and send them a big "F.U" email. Download 'AVG Free', then get 'MalwareBytes' and finally 'Spybot Search & Destroy'. Do not scan with all at the same time. It takes longer if you do; but if you leave it overnight, you should be good. Don't forget to remove and repair files after the scan. I have ran into a few people that scan, get a warning and then exit thinking its fixed. Now that you know your PC is clean, you should check and see if the issue is still happening. If it is, then update your graphics drivers. (This year, my game has minimized/crashed a couple of times due to my graphics driver crashing and restarting. This was mainly down to other programs that were running at the same time causing load, but its still nice to know that your graphics are running at optimal.) If you are still getting the issue, check what programs you have running at startup and remove the crap that you don't need. You can either do this by running 'msconfig' which can be risky if done wrong or by using a tool called 'Ccleaner'. When in Ccleaner, hit Tools, then Startup, look at what you have set to run at startup and disable the crap you don't need. If you are not sure about something, Google it and find out what it is and if its needed. While you have Ccleaner open, you might as well run the cleaner and registry cleaner. **NOTE** when using Ccleaner's registry cleaner, ALWAYS make a backup of the registry in case something goes wrong and you need to restore it. Now... after all that, it should be fixed. If its not then you have something majorly wrong with your PC that cannot be fixed easily and it would probably be quicker and easier to do a fresh install of the OS. Your english was OK dude but remember to use punctuation next time. Full stops/periods are essential and they come in a variety of colours... See >> .........
  15. chris_heyward

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    Did anyone else notice that Ivan's favourite word is 'Ummm...'?
  16. Join us on Official DayZ Origins #GX Renegade Squadron (1.7.5/103419) [4h Day/Night]Hosted @ GTXGaming.co.uk This is a new server and we need to get some traffic flowing through. Server is based in Ontario 40 Slot server Veteran Difficulty Cross-hairs ON (can be turned off if enough request it) Nameplates OFF Teamspeak for use. Details are in-game The server was created due to multiple counts of admin abuse on other servers. We are 100% against this behavior as it ruins the game for everyone. The current group of guys are all from the game EvE-Online. If you play EvE, come get your own back as we have probably killed you at some point :P
  17. chris_heyward

    how to add custom ai ?

    Use SARGE's AI Framework. I have had a lot of fun with this. You can get it from here: https://github.com/Swiss-Sarge/SAR_AI He does have a newer version located here but it is still in testing: https://github.com/S...ge/SAR_AI-1.5.0 If you want to know how to set it up, go here: Remember to correctly edit your init.sqf, description.ext and server_cleanup.fsm files for this to work. You may also have to edit a few Battleye filters or people may be get kicked. You also may need additional coding to get it to work with Origins. All you need is to read through posts here: http://opendayz.net/threads/origins-server.8377/page-35#post-47853 These guys seem to have it working. And remember that adding more AI to a server can cause ALOT of lag if the system isn't powerful enough. Hope this helps
  18. I have set up my own DayZ server for friends to play on. There was 6 of us online earlier and we had no problems. One guy is getting issues though. He keeps getting kicked and my server window says this error: Wrong signature for file C:\Program Files (x86)\Arma2\Arma II Combined Operations\@Dayz\addons\dayz_sfx.pbo I told him to update DayZ and this never worked. He used DayZ commander and that made things worse. It moved all his rMod 2 files into the main ARMA Addons folder which then threw more errors. We figured that bit out and I got him to manually remove the rMod 2 pbo's and BISIGN's. He was playing DayZ fine last night and hasn't done a thing but update the Beta Patch through DayZ Commander. We have tried everything possible we can think of. Anyone else have a fix to this?
  19. chris_heyward

    Wrong signature for file ...addons\dayz_sfx.pbo

    Fixed. He was re-installing DayZ through Dayz Commander not manually. After a manual re-install. all is working. TY Applejaxc
  20. chris_heyward

    Wrong signature for file ...addons\dayz_sfx.pbo

    Done that. Multiple times
  21. chris_heyward

    Getting kicked out from game at start

    If it is your server, then its in the same folder as the exe. server.log I think. If its not your server then there is nothing you can do unless you know the guy and he can give you a copy. Also the RPT log can tell some info also (located in same folder)
  22. chris_heyward

    Getting kicked out from game at start

    Without the log from the server, that screenshot doesn't really say much. It could be a number of issues. Like that was happening to me last night and it was because my game wasn't talking to the database. And earlier today, it was happening to a guy on my server because he disabled battleye. There are 101 reasons why it can hang at that screen
  23. I actually love this idea. Maybe you could incorporate it into villages/cities too. Try running around an urban area at night with no light source. You are bound to trip on the litter and kerbs. This would also increase the amount of lights people use at night and also reduce the need for everyone to cheat and whack up the brightness and gamma. NVG's negate both urban and wooded area trip effects.
  24. chris_heyward


    Cassettes? CASSETTES!? DayZ is based in Russia, not some Iraqi third-world country. I'm sure the majority of Russian cars have CD players.