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About jayhawker32

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  1. I know it's been a long time since this topic was started but I almost think it would be interesting to see at least some servers where there were slow moving zombies in hoards in the cities. Then placing high or rare loot spawns in the cities making you have to risk the large hoards to get to them. Less dangerous out in the open but in the city where you can be cornered more easily they would be deadly. Just a thought, I also have no idea all the work that goes into writing the scripts for the AI either so if that is far too difficult I apologize.
  2. jayhawker32

    Server Specific Characters

    HI, So recently I had played Ark a lot and on Ark they have server specific characters. I believe if this were to be implemented it would help keep server pops up because to play players have to return to the server their character is on unless they want to start a new one. This would also kill server hopping for loot and would prevent players from switching servers to server hop into people's bases if and when that is implemented.
  3. jayhawker32

    GUN LIGHT!!!!

    So, I am so far loving all the things you can attach to your gun, however I was wondering if there was any other way you can turn the light on the gun on or off without opening your gear menu and right clicking it. If anybody knows your help is appreciated. have nice day, Hawker
  4. I can play any mod just let me know and I'll download it, I have skype and ts add me on steam and message me if you want to play Jayhawker32
  5. jayhawker32

    Looking for a buddy to play Dayz with.

    My bad dude I didn't read that part, add me on steam if you wanna play sometime Jayhawker32
  6. jayhawker32

    Looking for a buddy to play Dayz with.

    A lot of my friends quit playing recently, do you have a mic?
  7. Same thing happened to me I keep my ghille and my stats but lost absolutely all my gear. Is it hackers or just a bug?
  8. Logged in about five minutes later on a separate server and had all my gear back and spawned where I had logged out previously.
  9. I logged in and it told me to select male or female and I hadn't died? Lost everything
  10. jayhawker32

    Bad Serial number given in setup?

    Had the same problem but I've had this game for several weeks and never had this problem before
  11. Same here. My steam is Jayhawker32. I have a Makarov with about 10 mags... and some bandages.
  12. jayhawker32

    Looking for group of 4 or more

    Couldn't find either of you on steam. My steam account name is Jayhawker32.
  13. jayhawker32

    Looking for group of 4 or more

    Ya I've been looking for someone to hang with while I wait for friends to get Arma and the mod. I'll add you on steam message me if you want to meet up on a server or something.