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About DemonicUnicorn

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  • Interests
    Sports, gaming, food, laughing

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    2, 4, 6, 8, you owe me a piece of cake
  1. DemonicUnicorn

    Kicked from every server as soon as logging on

    No, we live in different places. and I run of my laptop, he just had this problem today when he logged on today
  2. So my DayZ works now (thank you person who helped me out) but this is a question more for my friend. Yesterday his DayZ was working fine, but now today he keeps getting kicked off of any server we join immediately. It is not a ban or global ban either
  3. DemonicUnicorn

    Bad serial number given in Setup

    Nice, thanks, this worked (unless i clicked just regular ArmaII....nope) but thanks for the help, iv'e spent i guess 6-7 hours on this
  4. DemonicUnicorn

    Teleport with vehicle

    Correction, you want to thank Jebus, the one who died for our video games
  5. DemonicUnicorn

    Bad serial number given in Setup

    And each different way I try to start it I get a different message I get problem compiling pixel, bad serial, etc
  6. DemonicUnicorn

    Bad serial number given in Setup

    I don't get an option to start, i just get the same pixel shade message again when I try to run it
  7. I've re downloaded the game, deleted and re downloaded DayZ, restarted my computer, etc etc, yet I still get the same message. "Bad serial number given in setup" any help?
  8. DemonicUnicorn

    Teleport with vehicle

    This kinda makes no sense...
  9. DemonicUnicorn

    New food idea?

    Now all I need is to gather people in case Cannibalism does make it onto the game... >=)
  10. DemonicUnicorn

    New food idea?

    So of course this is a suggestion or else it wouldn't be here. What if cannibalism was an option for food. Of course there would be consequences to resorting to cannibalism, like disease or something, and something to indicate that this person is a cannibal. =D