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Everything posted by demazi99

  1. Props on you for doing it. Unfortunately, I had lost my primary the last time I logged in, as I traded it with a friend and logged off right later, forgeting how DayZ loves to lose our items if we don't give it a good 10 minuts wait with us. I had spotted you twice while going up, having only a m9 pistol and not really caring (as you must have heard, I said several times I wouldn't care for dieing) I couldn't engage from the distance, had to go up, got a friend with me, took separate ways but it's just damn difficult to spot those gillies, Congrats on doing it tho, I think it's the first time and anti-CQF ops kills me. Also, was it you or any of your friends (if any) I killed in the same stop, same server, the day before? The guys was in the exact same location, aiming down, killed a CQF, I went up there and killed him with my Fal, but he bitched out.
  2. demazi99

    Blood question

    If ou DC while bleeding, you may enter a forced knockout, which take ages and you are going to die, yeah.
  3. demazi99

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    I would try to speak some beautiful words, but the doubled ration is a hell. CONGRATS GUYS.
  4. This reminds me of: http://forums.electronicarts.co.uk/battlefield-3/1463076-dice-defense-force-graphics-fanart.html
  5. Am I the only one feeling really flattered right now?
  6. demazi99

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Yes, you can optimally PM Johnny a.k.a. the Boss, with the name of the guy, and hopefully the others with him on TS3. Also, if you had the luck to even print screen something, it helps a lot.
  7. demazi99

    Picking up better weapon with no ammo...

    Why is the M16 better?
  8. demazi99

    My life as a survivor

    Awesome man. I'm currently at 15 days alive, which is my longest in the lastes patches, and pretty awesome, as I'm a combat medic and frequently take new people to operations (both of those gets you dead quite easily). Just now found my first ever L85, absolutely LOVE the sights. Still stuck with the G17 though, no luck at all with silenced weapons for me :/ The L85 coupled with the M9SD would be boss over anything for me, can't have two rifles tho, gaving to carry around lots of blood and morphine.
  9. demazi99

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    *Pops into survivors group *Clearly states it's own bandit behaviour *Gets banned from ts. *Wonder why ...
  10. demazi99

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Harken, we do try to be professional, although you may have realized we've had literally hundreds of applications together with tons of new recruits, and it takes a bit of time to set up everyone, as soon we get some people ready there's already a lot more coming! Don't need to be afraid, just hop on again, try talking to some of our officers or NCO's, you will change your mind.
  11. demazi99

    can zombies hurt you inside vehicles?

    I think they can, but it's not common, they damage the vehicle most of the time. Unless you are in a bike or so.
  12. demazi99

    how do you bandage someone else?

    Go near them, scroll mouse. It's kind of bugged, just try moving and aiming at different places.
  13. demazi99


    Don't find it really useful for the current fog.
  14. demazi99

    Why are people calling zombies zeds?

    This is the most pointless discussion I've seen on this forum. But anyway, Zed > Zee at any moment.
  15. demazi99

    Items fall into water?

    Not a bug, this is intended.
  16. demazi99

    Quick Range-Finder question

    No. And why would you zero it?
  17. demazi99

    So I was playing DayZ

    Well. You got the big chance of bleeding and the small chance of breaking bones together with the even smaller one to go unconcious. Bad lucl.
  18. demazi99

    PCGamer: Day Z + Arma 3 interview

    The fact that zombies examine sound tricked me up. I was looting 2 bandit corpses, choosing between weapons to be in the backpack, got a m249 and a DMR, drinked something and zombies started coming to me. I was proning and they just kept coming straight to me until they hit me. I had to stand up and run, almost died on it due to bleeding. Best thing is I came back the other day and both weapons were missing, I was back with my m14 I had an hour before the bandits.
  19. I think the fact that this is an Alpha and it already has so much, but at the same time has loads of things to come and make it an even deeper experience.
  20. demazi99

    M136 question.

    As far as I know, this weapon is suposed to be 'disposable'. Shoot it once and throw it away, no reloads.
  21. demazi99

    Fix spawning mechanics for groups!

    Well, this spawning mechanic actually was useful when my group went to have fun on a closed tournament: we were able to have dozens of zombies as targets so we could shoot them :)
  22. demazi99

    Looting empty Servers

    No william. Wether you have 20 or 1 player in the area, the chances of every item are the same. Also, if they doubled, they would double for every item. So you would have a (hypothetical) 200% chance of items, but with same proportions as the original.
  23. demazi99

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Can't believe how many people were online in the past days, right now we have taken over most of the server, really impressive. and still want moar
  24. demazi99

    Combine stacks of ammo....possible?

    Right click on inventory and recombine. You need 4 of the 2 rounds one to make a 8round.
  25. demazi99

    How long have you been alive?

    Number of days alive don't mean anything, so I don't know.