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Everything posted by Coll

  1. I just hate the idea of heart attacks at the moment. There is so much other things that need to be implemented. Making the health system even more complicated right now is just going to make the game far more complicated without any other gameplay mechanics to balance this out. Now scurvy I could get behind. There is already infection in the game but it never really occurs at all as far as ive seen. This would give fresh fruit or vitamin bottles far more use then they have now and should be easily implemented without breaking anything.
  2. Coll

    Reaction On Dying

    Last night I got super pissed off. I was watching some bandits on a hospital. My friend tells me they are shooting at someone. I figure its not me. No flashes from their guns or sounds of bullets hitting around me. I take a few shots at them with my mosin to help me friend out of that situation. Along with the chamber one bullet bug and no idea where my shots are even landing I decide to run off there is nothing I can do. Next thing I know I am bleeding for no reason and still no shots that I can hear no bullet spray no damage sounds from my guy just complaints of blood on my clothes. Next thing I know I can check a body while I'm running away. I press F and see all my loot. I am looting my own body which made no sense. A minute later I pass out. I ask someone to check my connection info and I'm constantly desyncing but my ping is fine I have no clue whats going on. I recover and get up bandage myself check with the guys in town if I'm being followed wait about 10 minutes then just logged. We all went to a new server which happened to be night time. I run into town and the next thing I know I'm being chase by 5 zombies well okay no problem trying to run and switch to hatchet however my guy just stands there and switches and I get really pissed off next thing I know I am surrounded being pummeled on by these things and I'm knocked out. I self recover some how to find out im still surrounded and there is no way to escape. I don't recover this time. My friends arrive to where I was but they don't see me. One of the zombies pushed my body away and I just rage and clicked respawn and quit the game. Sometimes the games issues just get to you.
  3. Coll

    Anybody wish the SA was never released?

    Could this even happen though? Most of the stuff he wanted to add to the game is stuff he said he was going to do way back then before rust even came out?
  4. Coll

    Anybody wish the SA was never released?

    That is a good point I feel most of the amazing stories are jsut getting uploaded to youtube anyways with more coming out each day. With the lack of content there is its all about what happens in game now rather then who has the best gun and amazing firefghts
  5. Coll

    Anybody wish the SA was never released?

    The easiest solution for me is just not reading the forums. Which is pretty simple and most of the user base probably does that anyways.
  6. I was assume this is to affect server performance but it just means to us that people who die far inland cant recover their stuff. If anything atleast make it an hour or 45 minutes and when a person hides the body is just auto deletes. That would be much better than 10 minutes.
  7. I don't really have a group to travel with so I am looking for a few people to play DayZ with any map is fine with me. I am 22. I rather have people who have a mic and are competent. You can be new but you must be able to follow directions and not act like some one dropped you on your head. Add me on skype at meepcoll and let me know.
  8. Coll

    Looking for a few people

    Found a few people. DayZ doesn't seem to make it easy to play with people. One server people get on I can't or the other way around. Doesn't make sense to me.
  9. meepcoll would be my skype. Hope to hear from you.
  10. Coll

    Clan recruiting for youtube series

    1. I am about an average player of DayZ 2. 22 3. USA(Nevada) 4. Mediocre for right now. Waiting for a new headset to come in. Hopefully soon. 5. I should be able to connect decently enough. 6. Pretty much whenever you need me.
  11. Na. I don't like to lead. Running a clan is not a easy thing to do not everoyne is cut out for it. I take this from running a successful minecraft server. That type of stress just ends up ruining the game and I don't really want to make DayZ like that. Honestly it is everyones choice what they want to do. I don't mind running in GSUA even though it is frustrating and disorganized it is still fun and awesome to talk to the many different type of people here. Hell I got new tf2 and LoL buddies to play with.
  12. Most of us stopped playing since the drama in the clan. Most of us are either waiting for stand alone DayZ or a patch to fix some of the major bugs in this mod. Others (some of the better people in the clan) Are going to other servers to kill since there isnt many people on ours. Many dropped their tags to not scare people off (many clan members in one server) or just don't really want to be part of the clan anymore. So it is entirely possible those were other people and some of the gear might be ours. I wouldn't doubt it at all. Considering many vehicles have been destroyed someone else could have fixed it up.
  13. Odd. No reports of any of our guys complaining about that. Although we have a joke in the clan saying it was Division twos fault. So blame it on them haha.
  14. Sorry but I have to stop this stupid shit right here. One of the biggest reasons we were unorganized was because of clever. He doesnt know anything about tactics or how to play safely. He will walk in a middle of a field to look for a sniper. He has lost more gear and gotten more people killed than any other of our members in our clan. Not only this he whines and complains when he was getting stalked. He expected us to ban everyone that killed him thinks anyone who killed him was a hacker and is just a complete moron. I have several videos with this tool just completely being stupid. Btw the only reason you have your gear is cause you hacked it in. Also you didn't leave the clan. You were forced out so don't even try to change the story buddy. You are worse than GSUA combined. Considering the posts in here that is saying something. And sketchy is just a little puppy following clever. Was kind of funny too he got pretty butthurt cause one of our players who finally found a SVD camo wouldnt duplicate it for him. Trying to explain it was for the better of the clan or some shit and that he should share. Jesus most of the gear his team got was duplicated shit. it was pathetic. On a similar note. Who ever that Abe The Vamp Slayer was who stalked clever. You are a cool man take on teams of six and doesn't afraid of anything.
  15. Oh man I remember you. ICHEESY or something. I think you were talking about me when I was getting on everyones ass to get the parts to fix the dam thing. Yeah you killed about four but you missed me and another guy in a ghilie. he lit you up and dropped you but yeah that was the talk of that entire night. Got to say though was clever. As for these accusations about people being kicked I don't I have not see this happen. There are defiantly talks about wanting to kick people but I remind them of the server hosting rules. However two three days ago there may have been an instance of one because some hacker ported everyone into the air an dropped them to their death so I don't know for sure.
  16. So sorry to double post, but any news on those logs.?
  17. Haha well at least now I know who keeps killing our new guys at stary. I usually stay away from there but if I were to take a guess you were the one that got me and two others over at one of our camps and proceeded to destroy the vehicles. One thing though we don't kick people from out server as far as I am aware. We have done many restarts and I mean MANY. Which does involve us all getting kicked and losing our bodies. Plus w/e stupid other stuff that disappears during this time.
  18. Well this is awesome to find out. Thanks for letting me know :/
  19. Jesus I just came to find out and you are already trying to mark me as guilty. I know for a fact Three dog is innocent but that Tom and Alex person are sorta new so I have no idea if they did anything or not. Check them. Also as another note. Are you sure they actually spawned them or some one else just spawned and left them there? Just trying to get a bigger picture here.
  20. Coll

    Looking for buddies. Ventrilo

    GSUA is alive and well.
  21. What GSUA members were spawning these vehicles there isn't really much proof or information here to use. Also what was the player list I dont see that either.
  22. Sent a request from Coll
  23. Coll

    Texture thing.

    this problem comes with the new patch. It only seems to happen in Starry I downgraded to 1.7..2.3 and everything seemed fine. I tested multiple servers with both patches. Then I started getting stuck at loading sucked.
  24. Coll

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    I was trying to loot a body on top of a apartment during a firefight trying to be clever. For some reason my guy went into a running prone motion which ran me off the building and I fell to my death. I had a second stupid incident that happened way earlier. I was in the firehouse in cherno and I somehow prone cliped through the tower fell and broke my legs and started bleeding out. Good thing my teammate was there to patch me up but wth man.