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Posts posted by dannyjay

  1. Hey, im looking for, just a couple of survivors to team up with, kinda sick o' the solo act, everyone i've found i've helped and they seem to just head on out again, so i'd like someone to team with for more than 10 minutes, anyone can join if they have a mic, but bare in mind im only 15 so when you join, don't complain that im too young, i'd like to team with someone my own age but doesn't have to be as long as you're okay with me, im okay with you, i'm 15 but im an experienced DayZ player and am damn mature!

    So if you're still interested then, hit me up with a PM with your Steam name, NO OTHER TALKING PROGRAMMES, IN GAME OR STEAM ONLY!

  2. Hey, im looking for, just a couple of survivors to team up with, kinda sick o' the solo act, everyone i've found i've helped and they seem to just head on out again, so i'd like someone to team with for more than 10 minutes, anyone can join if they have a mic, but bare in mind im only 15 so when you join, don't complain that im too young, i'd like to team with someone my own age but doesn't have to be as long as you're okay with me, im okay with you, i'm 15 but im an experienced DayZ player and am damn mature!

    So if you're still interested then, hit me up with a PM with your Steam name, NO OTHER TALKING PROGRAMMES, IN GAME OR STEAM ONLY!

  3. Not a Paedophile so don't give me any of your douchebaggery, i am 14 myself and am probably mature than most of you trolls.

    So i've been playing this game for about 2 days and have not stopped dying, i'd like some fellow youngsters to survive with because now, the solo act just isn't cutting it.

    Also i havent specifically stayed at a server and i'd like to "Settle down" so if anyone wants to survive with me you choose the server.

    I can speak on steam, Names just "DannyJay" post your steam name too.

    Thanks :D

    EDIT: I Meant 16 or below, But if your 18 its still okay XD
