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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Date/Time: 4 Times now. Today at 11:55 EST What happened: Logged out of Electro a few days ago, logged back in and now I am at the beach. This has happened the past 4 times I've played Dayz since 1.5.7. Where you were: The lastest time I logged off the roof of the north hospital in electro. What you were doing: Logging in *Current installed version: 1.5.7 *Server(s) you were on: Fl 2, Fl 1 Arma OA: Latest Beta Patch. At first I thought it was because of the database error that was posted a few days ago. But now this keeps happening with a group of my friends, we all log off in the same location, and then re spawn completely separated at the coast. This is becoming annoying. I know it is an alpha.
  2. Performance is better. Zombie animations are nicer, particularly the monkey zombies, scared me when i saw one running down a very dark road. I am still getting hit through walls by zeds though. :/ And they still find a way to walk through walls as well.
  3. quote from another thread. "Six Updater has just been updated. It had a different dayz_code.pbo hence why you all are getting kicked. Re download through Six and join away!" So redownload dayz_code and you should be good to go.
  4. Just extract both files and replace them. It works after that. It also seems six updater fixed its issue.
  5. Redownload the dayz code from here http://cdn.armafiles.info/ the six updater one is borked.
  6. Redownload the dayz code from here http://cdn.armafiles.info/ the six updater one is borked.
  7. It appears the signature from SixUpdater for the dayz code file is what is causing people to be auto kicked. I just redownloaded the files from the cdn torrent and I was able to get on.
  8. The sixupdater file signature for the Dayzcode is wrong. It is causing people to be kicked from the latest beta servers.
  9. So could we all. It is a sacrifice we all make for the sake of the beans. ALL HAIL THE BEAN GOD.