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Everything posted by .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

  1. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Honestly it isn't something I have looked at' date=' as the Beta is in flux (obviously) and once the BIS changes are stable I will take a look at them. I'll talk to Dwarden though, I believe he has been looking at some settings to make it work great. Don't ask me for relationship advice, I'm 31 and single. I go clubbing and I have a cleaner. [/quote'] YAY! A comment on it (more about the damn night again, but the tone mapping fucks with everything day as well)! I wanted to play for a bit to test this shit out a bit longer than I did ( I tried I really did!), but I just couldn't take it...bleh...been watching the BIS thread though. Hopefully they, you or who the fuck ever ( :p ) can get something worked out. No worries. It'll get done when it get's done. I'll chill until it does.
  2. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    While I appreicate this guy for it, I sure hope not.
  3. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Post Spawn Loot Comments here ONLY

    Good shit there Kobra. Not about the gun choices, but hunger and thirst. I''ll post about the spawn shit after I try it out. :P
  4. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Imo you are helping by not owning the Steam version. :P
  5. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Character resets for all or after death -- from then on? (I take it's the latter? spawn*)
  6. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

  7. I went from 6-8 hours a day to hmm maybe 30min to a hour a day since they improved the tone mapping. Other thing's are annoying the shit out of me as well. Like going to loot a place and every single piece of loot in the structure disappears in a blink of an eye. Or getting a vehicle and driving to places and no loot has spawned. I understand how it is, its alpha. I chose to sit this phase out for a bit though. No worries. I'll definitely be playing this next update though. Too many kick ass thing's happening to miss out on. Hehe.
  8. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    The cursor (crosshairs?) isn't present on certain servers, Samzzi. Unless of course it's like a when your over a loot pile or whatever's useable an icon pops up. But instead of an icon a sound plays. /shrug
  9. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Damn man! You removed the one I interested was in...something about loot/Z something something...ninja! :P Cursor?
  10. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    Ah, so this is what I was experiencing. I thought I had just got crazy lucky on spawn and found a GAZ and a boat in the same area. Bleh... Whats the deal with them spawning with gear in them? I mean there was a M16A2 M203 and about 8 mags + fuel (6 jerrys) + fuel tanks parts and other misc goods in the GAZ when I found it.
  11. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ


    Joined Chicago 5 hosted by robert/vipeax: My feelings were hurt. Attempted to join Chicago 5 again: Third times a charm? At least now I know it's on their end. :D !!!wasabouttogetallcrazyuponbattleye!!!
  12. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Never use the Smoke granade in House

    Happned to me as well. I threw 2 smokes. One at each doorway opening. One door ended up bricked off and the other one, once entered, this happened. Good times.
  13. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Forever Loading... (UK Based Servers)

    Cool, cool. Glad you got it working. :D
  14. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Debug monitor gone after beta patch?

    If it happens all the time or quite often. In windowed or full screen. Hold left shift and tap the numpad - then type flush. -while in game. That should bring your debug monitor back. If not I'm unsure of what it could be. If the game starts windowed you can alt-enter to full screen and back again if you want. While in game make sure the windowed option in the settings isn't enabled. You can also enable/disable windowed ( Windowed=0; ) mode in your arma2OA.cfg as well.
  15. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Forever Loading... (UK Based Servers)

    Thing's seem wonky, but I've been able to join several servers (UK 7 at one point, can't remember the others off hand). I'd say either revert back to 701 or try different server. Or keep trying the same one 'cause it does seem to work some times. :P
  16. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Beta was not installed correctly

    Happens to me as well. I just press that it has installed correctly and move on. It (that I know of) hasn't affected game play in any way. Are you sure that it's not in fact installed?
  17. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Forever Loading... (UK Based Servers)

    Yes, but it seems to be fixed now. Try UK 7. Worked well for me.
  18. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Is the 93825 the new patch?

    Seems to be working now (edit: I joined many a server earlier. Tried a bit later and got stuck on loading so still wonky...). I didn't get any errors. Crazy fast loading though! Could've just been 'cause the servers had recently restarted though. /shrug Seems the gamma/brightness didn't do anything for me though. Sadly. DAMN! Hehe.
  19. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Is FXAA not supported?

    They must've just updated just as you connected again. I never had FXAA enabled. But I was getting this error like 30min ago or something. So I don't think that was the cause. After that 3rd attempt did you then enable it again and attempt another connection? I know it's a PITA, but like I said I never had those options enabled. Also, all the same server? /shrug
  20. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Are nights darker with OA Beta?

    Check out this thread over on the BIS forums: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?135667-Improved-tone-mapping-for-1-61-proposal/page2 The most recent beta patch though reads: [93812] Fixed: Restrict gamma value set by profile [93809] Fixed: Restrict brightness value set by profile Take from that what you can. :P
  21. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Is the 93825 the new patch?

    I hear ya. Hopefully this isn't the case.
  22. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Tried the No Gun and Limit Gear start option

    You know what? If indeed the gamma and brightness restriction fix in the new beta patch makes the game more pleasant on eyes (in the day time, night time was just unplayable even with flares) enough so that I can play longer then 2mins...I will do this as well. I guess I don't need rocket to make it so. All I did on re-spawn any way was play the running man and kite Z's to a place I could enter and pick them off one by one. This will stop me from doing that. I believe I will, as you have, find it more enjoyable. I like the flashlight idea as well. Good stuff. Cheers.
  23. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Is the 93825 the new patch?

    I'm just excited about: [93812] Fixed: Restrict gamma value set by profile [93809] Fixed: Restrict brightness value set by profile Doesn't mention anything about tone mapping though. But the previous patches didn't mention restricting gamma or brightness so.../shrug I just hope *knocks on wood* its more pleasant on my eyes so that I can actually play again in the day time. Hehe. Playing the way it was seemed like the bloom or hdr or w/e... was crazy glaring in my eyes 'cause they changed the contrasts of ground level stuff. But it didn't seem as though the sky followed in the same direction or some shit. Plus shadowing inside tree limbs and stuff were blackened waaay too much. Getting this as well. It is most likely is a validation process with BE or something.
  24. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    So how did the zombies happen?

    The truth is out there.
  25. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Is the 93825 the new patch?

    Tried to join a server and got: BE most likely just needs to update or something...not sure yet though. Just wanted to throw it out it there. :P