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Everything posted by .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

  1. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    20 words or less: Super-Low Humanity Detection

    I don't understand why a simple (maybe not so simple?) holstering of weapons wouldn't work? If this is about trust and SoS. If someone has their gun out either gtfo or shoot. If they don't you have time to talk it up. If they draw on you? You have time to gtfo or draw yourself. Too western-y/boring or what?
  2. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    20 words or less: Super-Low Humanity Detection

    NO. I don't believe we as survivors are wise enough (are we?) to know these subtle little things. Rick was trained this way, no? I mean if I met say Ted Bundy. Would I have known he raped and murdered many women and would do it again in any way? I don't believe I would have.
  3. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    The new UK7 Meet & Greet Thread

    No worries. What's done is done. I'll move on. :P If I get another headset or get the one I just got fixed (I disconnected a wire on accident while changing the ear pads, doh). I'll hop on there and have a chat.
  4. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    The new UK7 Meet & Greet Thread

    Childish? Ok guy... I did type something in direct comm. I rolled up when he was eating. I typed: sup. He did nothing. I figure he didn't see it 'cause he was in a menu at time? He then moved behind me as I was typing: did you place this other tent? As soon as I was done typing I was dead. I placed another tent where this other tent was. That we or whoever else shared previously 'cause only that spot had a tent. I'm not sure what happened to the tent before that, that I put many a supply in. Maybe a server restart or some shit I don't know, but the original tent was gone. I'm guessing he didn't just pick that spot out of the clear blue sky. The tent he placed was on top of mine in the same exact spot. If that's just some crazy ass coincidence then yeah I guess he wouldn't have known what I had or whoever else had there previously. To me it was a dick move if he had that spot previously knowing that someone was placing shit in the tent. I mean I left a fucking GPS in there...how the fuck wouldn't you know you put a GPS in there or not? If this is some crazy ass coincidence that it was his first time to that spot. Then I apologize for calling him a disrespectful cunt. If that was his spot before that up until that day. Then I stand by what I said. You can call me childish all day long. It was a dick move. He knows I could've fucked him up while he was eating...seriously...He also could've tried harder to communicate. I had my back to him...posed no threat what so ever...the fuck...? My name is a bit childish. I'll give you that. It's an old ass name from back in the day playing BF2. I didn't feel like coming up with another one at the time or even now. Hehe.
  5. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Arma 2 mouse movement - too fast breaks it up??

    In my cfg's it's: revMouse=0; -no idea what this setting does mouseSmoothing=0; mouseSensitivityX=1; mouseSensitivityY=1; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; Mid setting on mouse is 800 dpi. Control panel maxed and precision enabled. Could just be what iareserious is asking about, if that's what he means.
  6. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Arma 2 mouse movement - too fast breaks it up??

    With everything turned off in cfg's (GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; ) and in game it seems fine to me. I have the same exact mouse. I don't use SetPoint though. I use the mid dpi setting on the mouse. The mouse movement reacts the same in any menu, loading screen, etc.
  7. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Dynamic lighting has gone screwy

    Cheers, Witherfield. Meh, damn! I read it, but still the changes didn't happen until: [93654] Improved: Tone mapping So why on 93616? Even though the one guy said it doesn't happen for him on 93616. Hehe. It looks like people are posting some screens over there as well. Maybe they will notice the difference and change it back. I just hope they don't keep testing it over and over taking more time to get it correct or w/e...I wouldn't mind if we weren't forced to use the beta for the upcoming update, but we are... Some guy did end up opening a CIT: https://dev-heaven.net/issues/32765 - I guess use that for now? Damn this sucks. I was hoping it was on DayZ side so they can get feedback from here. I would think that it's possible to revert within the mission file though. Like with being able to disable channels within the mission file. So maybe that will be done before BIS changes it to something more pleasant. /shrug *criesselftosleep*
  8. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Dynamic lighting has gone screwy

    Ugh, this is seriously fucking with my mind. Every time I see people saying it was the beta that caused this I go brain dead. Like I said earlier I had this problem before tone mapping was added. I can't test it 'cause I have no way of knowing what server has what mission file, or if it was a mission file or wtf...I did see that a couple people brought up that it did fuck with vanilla arma 2 as well. So it must've been a patch that caused it, but then why the fuck couldn't I change the settings the same day on patch 93616? When it was fine earlier that day? I NEED an answer (I'm dying over here)! Please if anyone can find this out FOR A FACT what has caused this and what can be changed (if anything) PLEASE post or some shit! Witherfield what are you doing to take those screens? Reverting betas? Playing on non-beta servers? Do you know if those servers you played on, if you in fact reverted betas, have the most recent mission file? If I could just find a server running 93701 or 93666 that I knew didn't have the updated mission file that would be great! Damn. This is driving me nuts! lol...
  9. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Character wipe for new patch?

    So if he implements no starting weapons. Your fine with having a choice in whether or not to participate in that change? To me that is a HUGH change and everyone needs to experience it. /shrug
  10. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    The new UK7 Meet & Greet Thread

    HA! Oh no, I want to keep running into you guys at your camps and boats! Fun times for me! You moved and those tents were emptied. So I guess small victory for me. :P Dying isn't that big of a deal. If my spawn isn't shitty I'll have my shit back in no time. I just need to be more patient. I tend to rush a lot when I know others are around. Or when I get killed and want revenge so badly I become careless. Hehe. So if it was you at the boats that killed me (or were you the other guy that killed me while trying to steal the boat)? How the fuck did I lose? I shot first. Desync? I shoot. It hit you (or whoever it was). I die. At least that's what happened on my screen. Did you shoot as soon as you seen me run up on you while you were crouched in the tree? Just curious. If it was one of your guys that was at the tent near d.c. and shot me in the back. Tell him he's a coward. I could've killed him while he was eating and didn't. I brought a lot of shit to that tent (and the tents before it in the same spot)) to share...then to just shoot me in the back wasn't cool at all. I even left a GPS there. Meh if it wasn't your guy my bad. But if whoever it was reads this your a disrespectful cunt. What's this score deal on game tracker? How are points calculated? Hopefully they change the lighting situation as it is now. So that I can actually get back to playing. I can't stand the way it looks atm. We'll see.
  11. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon

    Yes and no. I'm on the fence. Try it out. Lets see how it goes. I came in here to say fuck off this sucks. But playing it through in my head I'd like to actually test it out first before making a decision. Hehe. 20 words or less HAHAHA! You're a funny guy, you. (I won't be doing shit though if lighting stays the way it is *jab jab* :P)
  12. I'd like to know what options (they can enable and disable or min/max) are available for DayZ servers? There are sever side updates that I (we) have no idea about. Like the one with backpacks (when they weren't spawning) and vehicles. I only knew 'cause I was on a server at the time of the change and the admin told everyone. I was getting annoyed by looking for servers with 3dp off and all the other shit. Now they have the option to enable or disable chat channels and w/e else. Making it more annoying when looking for servers. There must've been one as recently as of yesterday that changed quality settings. Specifically brightness, gamma, and or HDR. Are they able to enable/disable or just min/max (like view distance) that as well? I was using 93616 all day, then at night is was horrible. So it wasn't a beta patch. I didn't upgrade to 666 until a couple hours ago. Would it be possible to get a server side change log along with DayZ update change logs? This whole servers do what they want is kind of lame. I know they pay for it and w/e, but damn...how many more options are they going to have a choice over that we the players have to sift through? /shrug Also, in the future are there plans to be able to filter certain servers with all of these different options? Cheers.
  13. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    All the different server options/settings?

    Cheers, Wüstenfuchs.
  14. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Dynamic lighting has gone screwy

    Your german-english sucks! j/k :P It's not that its the way it is. It's changed from what it was to something different. This something different is horrible. Even if I'm the only one that hates it so much that I won't play until it changes. Then so be it. I'll gladly (not really I miss it already) not play. I'm not going to deal with it. This is an aplha though so it needs to be tested by someone. Hopefully you'll see what I see and hate the shit out of it too. So hopefully they change it to something less horrible in the future. If not, gg I'm out. It's THAT bad to me. Hehe.
  15. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    ...and not just women. *puts his pants back on*
  16. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    All the different server options/settings?

    Yeah man I get what you said. I really can't play the way those settings are though. Destroys the look of the map in the day time. Trees look all bleh...colors aren't represented correctly, etc. At night without a light source it's impossible. At too much of a disadvantage with any light source. So might as well not play then either lol. If it doesn't change and since mission file changes are frowned upon. I'll just stick to the forums instead of playing until it's changed or some shit. No worries. I know it's alpha and these thing's need to be tested. I just can't stand it. So I guess I'll just sit this phase out. :P
  17. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    All the different server options/settings?

    Bah they can change mission files as well? So now I'll have to look for servers without this quality setting. And if it's against the rules then I'll have to look for a very special one...shit...oh well...fuck.
  18. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    All the different server options/settings?

    EDIT: You answered it in another thread. Cheers. I guess if you want you can close this. And hopefully server filters/naming will become common place in the future. EDIT2: Forgot to add instead of server change log could we get list of mission file chages? I guess that's what I meant with all this. I wasn't sure wtf the deal was. Hehe.
  19. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Dynamic lighting has gone screwy

    Afaik it wasn't the beta patch that did this. It was server side or something. All I know is that I was on 93616 yesterday day time in game and everything was fine. I quit playing for awhile 'cause of the desync shit. I shot a guy with 2 full mags and he didn't die then was right next to me I shot him again and he finally died. Still on 93616 (didn't update to 93666 until a couple of hours ago) came back and it was night time on the server (UK 7) and I couldn't change these settings to my liking. I tried playing at day time again and everything just looks wasted out and lifeless. It could be that certain servers updated betas, but not to the most updated server side update or some shit...As I said earlier in this thread this map it too beautiful for this wasted shit look. Sucks. I hope this doesn't stay the way it is now...
  20. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    All the different server options/settings?

    Cheers, Wüstenfuchs. I didn't post it in here because I wasn't sure about: DO NOT post any bugs/problems or issues here. To me it is an issue. This reads that they have the option to enable or disable chat channels: [93398] New: System chat like player connected/disconnected switched to CCSystem=6 channel. New configuration opportunity disableChannels[]={chan1,chan2,...}; in mission description.ext file possible. I'm assuming that chan1, chan2,...are global, side, etc? If not, my bad... I was just on a RU server that was on 93666 and 1.7, but still had side chat. /shrug Do you know what the deal is with the quality settings? That's not listed either anywhere, but they're able to obviously (in this thread it talks about it) change that as well now. As I said it couldn't have been a beta patch 'cause it happen while on 93616. I didn't change anything.
  21. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    bin/config.bin/Cfgweapons ERROR

    I get it as well. It is annoying. I have a retail version. All I do is hit enter when it pops up. But it stops all loading process until I do. In game it does it as well. I won't be able to do anything until I press enter to clear it. Thankfully it has never happened during a fire fight. Guess it wouldn't even matter anyway 'cause I can't seem to hit the broad side of a fucking barn! Hehe.
  22. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Dynamic lighting has gone screwy

    This is horrible. I thought it was maybe a mistake or just some buggy shit last night. Everything does look wasted out and lifeless. Without being able to use HDR on very high (doesn't seem to change anything anymore) I get wasted out clouds and ground clutter at night. Like some king of color banding. I have no idea wtf the tech. term is and I can't find a night time server atm to cap a screen...I just know I won't be playing as it is anytime of day. The map is waaay to beautiful for this wasted out shit look to it. Damn! I believe this is a server setting not a beta patch setting. I had this effect on 93616. After it being fine earlier that day.
  23. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    He said in this thread: E3 soaked up all my time. I flew back into Czech Republic yesterday' date=' but my bag got lost on the flight. I'll have more info this week but expect an update mid to late during this week.[/i'] So unless they made great progress since. I doubt it will be today.
  24. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    How do I loot NW barracks solo?

    barracks closest to Vybor The magic bench of surprises in that barracks. If bodies, forgetta bout getting over it. If Z are coming in, glitch to the roof. Close the door while vaulting it well...THAT DAMN BENCH! Good times.
  25. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Fixed that for you. Other times he'll make posts within the thread of what he updated. I just click his name and search his posts. :P