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Washi (DayZ)

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About Washi (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Bio
    I'm one half of the best homu-themed two-man team to ever grace Chernarus! Playing DayZ with my friend Mayuyu!

    I'm a total Mountain Jew. I admit it.

    ~でしょ でしょ 
  1. Washi (DayZ)

    How come hacks cant be stopped, when they even post like this?

    Excellent post. Just one thing, from what I have read, packet sniffing is no longer used by exploits used for displaying coordinates of tents, players, etc. It used to be, but a patch from not not too far back changed the coordinates being sent to being encrypted. Rather, these hacks now scan through the game's process to extract the coordinates. This is something that can't be avoided with the game's multiplayer architecture, although I don't see it as being impossible to fix for the standalone release, luckily.