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ataraxia (DayZ)

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About ataraxia (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ataraxia (DayZ)

    Thoughts on removing NVG's?

    I think removing them would make night time play much more interesting. As of now most players who dont have nvg simply dont join night servers.
  2. Happened about 10min ago near berezino. My friend was killed, i shot the guy at least 4 times with the m14, he whent behind a bush. He acidently teleported right in front of me facing away. I unloaded 2clips of m1911 in him. He turns around and kills me. Fuck you all hackers i hope you die soon.
  3. ataraxia (DayZ)

    Atlanta 111

    So me and my 2 friends end up stealing 5 vehicles from another group. Not 5 min after we leave with a URAL full of gear and destroy the remaining vehicles does the server crash. We wait to re-log and eventually its up again. I log in next to all the vehicles fully intact, as they were right before we had destroyed them. And to top it off it was now night time. I was no longer driving the ural, which I was in upon disconnection.
  4. ataraxia (DayZ)

    US79 entire server killed.

    About 4 min ago US79 was murdered. I heard a shot and died instantly. So did the entire server. At least 30-40 ppl.
  5. ataraxia (DayZ)


    This is a great idea! I could even see it as being a 3rd faction, even worst than bandit! You would lose a ton of humanity for doing this action.