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About Pevs

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  1. Pevs

    Trip Flares?

    As a placeable "mine" Or even just a noise trap (Maybe a use for all them empty tins/bottles?) Just a thought my friend had, wanted to share it
  2. Pevs

    Performance Drop; Hotfix

    Yea I take it back, sorry :\ Worked perfectly on one server, I joined another and it was shocking. This server happened to be bugged, too. Not sure if it's related to the new Z spawn mechanic? It's something not graphical anyway
  3. Pevs

    Performance Drop; Hotfix

    Latest NVidia drivers have solved my FPS issues http://www.nvidia.co.uk/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-uk
  4. Just hit "respawn" in my haste to hit options, 8 days progress down the pan, but that's my own fault. My question is - can we add confirmation to respawn? Or put a timer on it or some such?
  5. Still a bug in Wonder how it'll work with manual skin change? I noticed I didn't lose my gear when BECOMING a Bandit, just when transitioning back
  6. Pevs

    1.5.8 Glitches

    Just gave blood to someone - It's all done on the mouse wheel. I'd assume bandaging and morphine etc. is too. I don't mind food/drink being done via R Click, but bandages are an item you're rarely not in a rush to use
  7. Those who want to survive head inland, those who don't... don't. You can do well fast on the coast, but it's a short existence
  8. Bummer, I thought it was quite good before. However, with increased sight for Zs it may balance out fine
  9. Seen lots of videos and streams of people approaching buildings needlessly, so here's a good rule: If you can't see inside, you can't get inside. Check the windows, not the doors. No need to get too close and risk a life!
  10. I like the idea, like the barge in Stalker Call of Prip! I do predict a bandit siege though, a ring of snipers and looters surrounding anything that is created
  11. First post is amazing... only in DayZ.
  12. First church I went in to I immediately found a box of matches, having spent a solid day searching houses and shops, etc.