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Two in the Bush

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About Two in the Bush

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  1. Two in the Bush

    Dogs: too early yet to implement them?

    I would rather have rocket fix serious bugs and perfect whats already in the game before moving game changing stuff like this.
  2. Two in the Bush

    Hacker or Real?

    Those aren't hacked... Everyone dupes items and it is extremely easy to get your hands on all those items if you look in the right places.
  3. Two in the Bush

    DayZ Stories

    heres a story that happened last night: So My friend and I were going to this tentsite we found before to get some tires for this ural we found. We got the tires, then just as we were about to leave the campsite. I hear a vehicle in the distance so I tell him to get down and hide in a tree (we're both in ghillie suits). 2 People pull up to the tent site in a white offroad truck, my friend starts shitting his pants, they haven't seen us yet. I then pull out my DMR and snipe both of them then tell him to go and finish them off before they alt f4 while unconscious. They both died before they could DC and we ended up taking their truck. They didn't have anything good on them though. And not even an hour later we were driving the truck and the engine block got sniped and it blew up and we both died from bleeding out.
  4. ...I think they can activate their night vision goggles in the Heli. You know you're going to get a lot of flak for saying you Dc'd.
  5. Two in the Bush

    Ural won't move.

    Thanks, and honestly no it isn't important. You still lose fuel super slow and you can easily fill up on the way to your destination.
  6. Two in the Bush

    Ural won't move.

    Yup got it working just had to pop and put new tires on to get em out of the ground.
  7. Two in the Bush

    Ural won't move.

    LOL The fueltank being red means its leaking and loses fuel faster... I've driven a truck before with a red fueltank.
  8. Two in the Bush

    Ural won't move.

    So I found a ural and fixed it up n everything but it won't move. The only red part of it is the fuel tank but you dont need that to move. Yes there is gas in it. It looks like the tires are stuck inside the ground so i'm going to pop them and get new ones to see if that'll fix it. This happen to anyone else before and what did you do?
  9. Two in the Bush

    Elektro Sniping

    How did you find out that he was a loser and beats up girls in real life just from seeing a video of him playing a video game D:. Have you ever gotten to endgame? The only thing to do once you get to endgame is PvP. So quit whining until you have some experience.
  10. I've only ever found 1 real girl on this game that talked and she was bleeding out in a barn with next to nothing so I just let her live. (I was gonna force her to have skype sex me or i'd kill her but figured she'd just alt+f4) < This is the real reason Rocket needs to fix that. And no that isn't considered rape.
  11. Two in the Bush

    Lol, bad snipers

    Was just what I was gonna tell this dumbass lmao.
  12. Just looking for an SVD Camo to match my ghillie suit. Ask for what you want in return and i'll see if I have it I have quite a lot of gear and can get you almost anything. Also when the trade gos down I would like for us to either be on skype or have each other added on steam to reduce the chance of you just killing me. Edit: Also an M4SD or the camoflauged M4. Are weapons I am looking for to add to my arsenal, If you have them.
  13. If they are low enough and bleeding and if they are unconscious then they will die from bleeding out unless they have someone bandage them.
  14. Two in the Bush

    UPDATED DAILY: I'm Issuing a Warning to Any Snipers

    Damnit you beat me to it lol!!
  15. Two in the Bush

    Name your good deed of the day.

    I was sniping in Cherno today and saw a fresh spawn with only a hatchet getting killed by a guy with an ak74. I kill the guy with the AK74 to save him, and the fresh spawn just stands there in confusion for a few minutes until he dies from bleeding out when he could've bandaged himself then taken the guys gear. -.-