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Everything posted by nayrilac

  1. nayrilac

    Introduce yourselves

    Hey everybody, my name is Ryan, but I will be going by Mansaw here and in game. It's a goofy name, I know but it has a good story haha. Anyone interested in being friendly can ask me to tell them said story =]. I haven't yet played DayZ but I just finished reinstalling arma 2 on my computer because I found this mod. I've been bragging all day about how I get to play what is basically the walking dead online (im sure you havent heard that one before...) I've also been lurking the forums and would love to make a few new friends. I plan on being a friendly player. I'd much rather enjoy the thrill of looting buildings and finding cool gear with friendlies than just mindlessly killing people. About me, I'm just a 21 year old dude that plays guitar and listens to hardcore. I'm a nice dude so come find me or chat sometime. Thanks for reading my semi lengthy intro =P. Shoot me a private message if you want to hook up in game and teach me some things.