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About Achti

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    On the Coast
  1. well, i never got killed right at the loading screen. I am always paranoid about that, so i only log of under the twigs of a tree in the forest, where normally no-one will be. But i was killed multiple times by teleporting hackers on different servers. it seems they even used the same hack, it was always some guy with a sniper, ghilli suit, nightvision and nothing else on him. They just apear out of nowhere near you, then snipe you away. most of them have god-mode on, but not all. I killed one of them that didnt see me yet, only to be killed by him 3 minutes later. (that was in stary sobor, no way he could have respawned, geared up, and walk up there in 3 mins.) Others took multiple snipershoots and whole assaultrifle -mags without going down. Only way to avoid hackers is to play on low-pop servers with less than 10 people. Those were more or less cheater-free, but its also a bit boring, meeting so few players. So, right now, i put dayz on hialtus, till something is done against the hacking. I checked a bit in the internet and it is just too easy to hack. Every kid can do it, and it seems that they already do.
  2. Achti

    DayZ Tutorial: How to get geared up quickly

    Telling noobs to serverhop and suicide if bad spawn is a bad advice. The thing that makes this game so great is the atmosphere and the thrill of finding good stuff and encountering other players. All this gets broken if you use those cheap exploits. How can you appreciate a weapon you did not have to risk your life to get? How can you want to miss the rush of adrenaline while lying in a bush and having 3 fully geared guys walking past 5 meters from you while you have nothing to defend yourself. Stumbling through the wilderness, finding your way only by orienting on the moon and the mountains around you... If you just want to have good gear and shoot other players, why not play ARMA2? If you want to give noobs good advice, tell them to get a map with all the itemspawns off the internet, and how to deal with zombies without the use of weapons. With that help, you can find good gear pretty well, and if you avoid other player you should have not much trouble surviving till you have top gear.
  3. Achti

    Hmm, dearstands

    wow, u mad! How did he rustle your jimmies so hard? As for the topic, i experienced the same problem. since the update only 1 in 5 dearstands i check out has loot in it, so they arent even worth the walk any more... sad, because i loved running through the woods and looting dear stands in peace... Sorry dear dear stands for taking your gifts for granted! From now on i will appreciate every loot you decide to bestow upon us ungrateful beings!
  4. Achti

    Take out .50 cals

    In the setting of the game .50 cal is completely legit. There was a military invasion before the outbreak, and judging by all the destroyed SUVs and Helicopters, both sides had helicopters and armored vehicles. And the .50 cal is an anti vehicle weapon. So it makes sense to equip some of your soldiers with .50 cal snipers.The standart equipment for a sniper and his marker is guilly suit, rangefinder, and nightvision googles. I dont see how those should not be in the game. Also you have to give the players some goal to work for. In Dayz it is mostly to find better gear. And thats why that stuff is in the game.
  5. Achti

    New players cant get past learning curve

    I also bought arma just for the mod. But i informed me, before buying it, so i knew what was waiting for me. At the first evening playing i died lots, finding out the zombie mechanics, how other players behave, mastering the controls(yes i didnt do the arma tutorial). At the end of that playsession i was a little sceptical about the game, but i knew it was me who was the problem. So the next day i spent getting information about everything in Dayz. And at my second day i started together with a friend, and the Dayzdb map open on my second monitor. With the help of that and the information i gathered it felt like playing a whole different game! since then i only died once, but i got my gear back. We defended ourselves against hordes of zombies and bandits, and found a ton of great gear. (FN FAL with nightscope is a nice weapon if you know where to find ammo for it), and had lots of fun since. I know we are still noobs, and have alot to learn, especially how to interact with other players (we still only kill when the other player shows hostility), but thats what so great about that game, that you have so much to explore and find out. Edit: Oh and i did not have your problems with the installation. it was as easy as it can be 1. Install Arma Joined Operations over steam 2. Start Joined Op at least once 3. get six updater 4. press install 5. play Dayz