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Uncle Gapey

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Everything posted by Uncle Gapey

  1. Uncle Gapey

    Where are all the effing vehicles??

    It's super easy to fill it up quickly if you just land next to a gas station (step 8). The instructions I gave are simply to get it in the air - it will also need engine repairs. (;
  2. I used the example of Spore because of the incredible coding talent it took to make it. You guys are saying, "Nah, if you want real go outside. This is supposed to be a realistic zombie mod t.... oh, whoops." Silly kids.
  3. Uncle Gapey

    Where are all the effing vehicles??

    Grab the chopper and go vehicle hunting! It'll be on Skalisty Island right after your server restarts. Try this if you like (having a friend will make it many times easier): 1) Find a tent (grocery store, apartments) 2) Find a boat (on the shore) 3) Take the tent to Skalisty island via boat and set it up. 4) Collect a main rotor assembly, 3x scrap metal, and put it in the tent. 5) Collect at least 6 full jerry cans and put them in the tent. 6) When the server restart warning appears, haul ass to Skalisty. 7) When the server restarts, take your parts and repair the chopper, then pour all your jerry cans into it. Throw the empties in the chopper. 8) Fly to (132, 99), refill jerry cans, fill up chopper, rinse/repeat. 9) Go vehicle hunting and note the locations of the ones you find! Might sound complicated, but this is currently the best way to find vehicles.
  4. Way to stifle a dreaming mind, Spart. You're a good dude for talking down to him. What a champ. Realistic or not, I'd also like to see a more authentic-to-life game, Pyrex. It would take a crazy amount of coding to allow a subfunction such as creating your own structures from chopped wood, though (remember how long it took Spore to release?). It certainly would be awesome to see, though. Some day perhaps there will be enough open source game function libraries that it will be simple to implement a Minecraft-esque building feature to an otherwise unrelated game.
  5. Uncle Gapey

    So who else does not like the AS50 ?

    The AWP of DayZ. If its rarity could be controlled, it wouldn't be an issue. It can't, so it is. Never run in a straight line!
  6. Uncle Gapey

    PC Overheating

    Oh! And in Options->Video->Advanced, turn Post Processing effects OFF. Set it to disabled.
  7. Uncle Gapey

    PC Overheating

    70-75c under load is not bad. You're fine, OP. If you really want to do something about it, things to try (in order of ascending cost) are: - Blast your case out with canned air or an air compressor. Let it dry for an hour or two before turning it back on. It might not look wet, but it is a little. - Buy some decent thermal paste, remove CPU heat sink, remove CPU, remove old thermal paste with rubbing alcohol, put new paste on, re-seat processor, put CPU heat sink on. - Figure out how much air is currently being pulled into your case versus how much is being pushed out (how many fans are pulling/pushing?). Buy two 80-120mm fans and mount them inside your case. Measure your fan mounting areas first! If your case currently has the same amount of air coming in as is going out, then mount one fan as intake and one as exhaust. Hope this helps, but you're really OK with temps in the 70-75c range. o/
  8. Uncle Gapey

    Battleye or just this server?

    That's a global message.
  9. Uncle Gapey

    Operation "Loot N' Shoot " [DayZ WTF]

    If only you'd had a satchel charge...
  10. Uncle Gapey

    You know you've been playing too much DayZ when....

    When you spend your time getting ass-hurt over people creating threads that've already been done instead of actually playing the game or contributing to said thread!
  11. Uncle Gapey

    DayZ The Adventure Movie!

    Aside from being Aussie, how can you tell the difference? I need to leave the U.S. more.
  12. Uncle Gapey

    in a tight pinch

    You said you fell from the crane into water, right? You should be right next to a concrete wall. If you just can't see anything in general, is it daytime on that server? Regardless, if I were you I'd want to die. Stay logged in and go do some RL stuff. You'll eventually starve to death. Your gear is gone anyway (the only way to retrieve it is to put yourself in the exact situation you're currently in).
  13. Uncle Gapey

    DayZ The Adventure Movie!

    Aussie narration is win. Good videos. Edit: Fella is aussie, no? Hah!
  14. Uncle Gapey

    in a tight pinch

    Follow the concrete to an actual shore that you can crawl onto. Then get eaten by zombies and restart.
  15. Uncle Gapey

    This Clan Is Falling Apart [11Th] Clan

    Having different bases per ranks is actually a really good idea. Don't want the guy who joined an hour ago to know where the elite weapon caches are. Don't want the guy who joined yesterday to know where all the vehicles are. Don't want the guy who joined a week ago to know where the Huey is. Never heard of your clan, but there are plenty out there - go find another or start your own!
  16. The standalone announcement kind've killed people's incentive to buy such a guide, eh? Lots of good information inside, though. Great guide.
  17. Uncle Gapey

    I've jet to find a playermade camp

    My mistake, the creation date is a field you can see in Six Updater in the Server Browser tab. It's alllll the way to the right.
  18. I agree with your points, but this boils down to technical limitations. There's just so much open, often-unused area. The servers already slow to a crawl when more than ~30 players are connected.
  19. Uncle Gapey

    The overall point?

    ANYTHING is possible at Zombo.com.
  20. Uncle Gapey

    I've jet to find a playermade camp

    Find a populated, somewhat-old server (check the creation date in the DayZ Commander server broswer) Spawn in Kamenka. Keep the water on your left and run (West) until you see "the line." It is where all grass and foliage ends. That line runs perfectly North-to-South. Run north on the line, often zooming in on the trees to your right (East) to check for tents. Before you hit the top of the map, provided you aren't blind or incredibly unlucky, you will likely find a base.
  21. Uncle Gapey

    your best moment of discovery

    Finding a bus at the NW Airfield. Still the only vehicle I've found outside an enemy base aside from boats. Ironically a friend of mine found another bus further east about 5 minutes after. We met up, parked them in a little patch of trees, then went on a gas run. We then got teleported and killed. By the time we got back to the woods, the busses were gone.
  22. Uncle Gapey

    The overall point?

    Welcome! You will encounter much hax and buggy deaths. Still a wonderful mod (for a shitty game) though! The chance of finding better gear is much greater up north. Check out the Northwest Airfield on this map: http://dayzdb.com/map#5.044.051 All of those red dots have a chance to spawn nice weapons and accessories. If you like hunting people, get gear then go hunting! If you like helping people, there is a thread on this forum detailing a group of people who go on rescue missions to help wounded survivors. If you like hoarding shit and amassing wealth... well, I'd say make a base, but with the rampant hax going on it'd likely be a waste of time. IMO the best way to have fun after you're geared out is to group up with a couple friends and go hunting for other groups' bases and vehicles. I've got a pretty solid set-up for gear, and all I do is run around with my friends looking for bases with mass-dupe caches (250 .50 cal rifles, 250 gps/nightvision/rangefinders/etc.) and destroy them. The most fun I've had in DayZ was riding in a vehicle with three pals and driving right past another vehicle with strangers in it. There were 9 people involved in the fight that ensued, which went on for about 10 minutes. One of my friends survived. Myself, everyone else, and both vehicles were blown up. We ended up contacting the other team and joined their Ventrilo. Now we're friendly enemies who often hunt each other! We even give vehicles to the enemy team when they don't have any, and they reciprocate. The dynamic of vehicle battles... it's so much fun. I strongly disagree with the "there needs to be" part. I agree that running forever is boring as hell, but having to physically locate friends typically forces city/zombie/player interaction. This is also what vehicles are for!
  23. Uncle Gapey

    Invincibility Hack?!?!

    Pretty much everybody feels this way. As far as I know, nothing has been proposed or announced regarding a fix for these issues. The rampant hax are a byproduct of Arma2's shitty multiplayer code. The best thing to do is to keep one tent centrally located and keep a duplicate of your gear in it. That way when you're unfairly killed, you can unfairly restore yourself to pre-bullshit. If you don't know how to dupe your current gearset into a tent, PM me and I will fill you in. I strongly encourage that you only use this as a hax-death restore plan, though. Duping tons of shit takes all the fun out of the game, as you aren't forced to interact with cities/zombies/players. As I've said many other places - if I didn't die to hax at least once per day, I wouldn't dupe my setup. I am against all forms of exploiting and hax. However, I am even more against being fucked out of hours of progress for no reason.
  24. Uncle Gapey

    Invincibility Hack?!?!

    Yup, I encountered this hack last night. Post every time you encounter one. Keep these issues fresh and active until something is done or an official solution/change is announced.