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Ketzer (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Ketzer (DayZ)

  1. To my first kill, the poor bastard on a hospital roof standing bolt upright with his back turned.

    I don't think he was armed... I honestly didn't think I had any hope of making that shot. The CZ was new, unfired and apparently I estimated the distance and had the zeroing more accurate than I gave myself credit for... right in the back of the head from 600m.

    I laughed, cheered... then felt kinda bad. First ones always the hardest right? I'm sure there will be more.

    There was almost a second, bleeding to death she was. I thought I'd save the bullets and let blood loss do the rest... I felt REALLY guilty about that one, but I didn't have much ammo. Suddenly they dissapeared! What! Damn they disconnected! Didn't feel bad at all after that.


    Haha, I was your first kill!

    I was playing the game the first time, i was just running around. I actually found a Compass and a silenced MP5 in the Hospital! Didnt know they are so rare. My girlfriend distracted me, i was pretty much away from keyboard - then BANG! Dead.
