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Everything posted by ynefel

  1. If I'm confronted with someone near any decent kind of loot, I'll shoot first and ask questions later. I'm no bandit, but as far as loot is concerned, I've found 80% of people will kill you without question. I'll do the same. I'm not going to risk death and losing everything I have on me, as well as loot rights just to maintain some sense of 'humanity'. It's like the military/medical camps - no one ever meets up and gets along there, because of all the weapons and gear available. Most people aren't keen to share, or risk dying and not getting anything from the camp, so it always ends up with someone dead. If it's anywhere else, like an average town, or a barn, or out in the wild, I won't start anything. I usually declare myself as friendly, and promptly go my own way as soon as possible.
  2. This is my setup. Photo was taken the other week, before I started playing DayZ. Running FFXIV and EVE. DayZ is done on my laptop, and the desktop to the right is for maps, internet, etc. [attachment=288]
  3. Hi guys, quick question: Arma2/DayZ runs fine on my laptop, nice and smooth, no worries. I just have one question regarding the graphics in game. There is a certain 'blurry' effect on the terrain and buildings, which is very subtle, but a little annoying. It's not a glitch, it feels more like an effect or a graphics setting of some description that would require changing to remove it. Someone was talking about it on a server I was playing on yesterday as well. Again, the game runs fine, and it's not something to do with me being wounded or anything, the effect is present when I'm newly spawned. Like I said, it's very subtle, but it's there. Is there some sort of graphics setting or config change I could make to reduce or remove this effect? Thanks in advance.
  4. ynefel

    Minimum system requirements help

    Only got into it yesterday, and it's fantastic! It's only in Alpha, and I'm keen to see where they go with it. Definitely worth getting.
  5. ynefel

    Minimum system requirements help

    You'll definitely need a graphics card - integrated Radeon won't cut it. Not sure how far you'll need to go with a new one, or how much to spend. What graphics card may also be dictated by how big your power supply is - most modern graphics cards require extra power from the power supply. How much they require, and how much yours puts out will be worth investigating. 4GB RAM should be OK, 8GB would be better, but 4GB should manage. As for the CPU, if it's the stock Athlon II X4 listed here, it should magae, but I'm not sure how well - the Athlon II is a pretty generic processor, although it is a quad core. Something like a Phenom or better would handle it much better, but you wouldn't be upgrading a CPU either way.
  6. ynefel

    Graphics 'blur' effect.

    That sounds about right actually. Thanks for the tips!
  7. ynefel

    MERGED: Night time, darkness, gamma

    Night time is the single most terrifying aspect of this game and it's fantastic. You shouldn't be looking to change it, but that's my opinion. Nothing better than standing in the darkness and catching a glimpse of or hearing another player or zed and not knowing what to do next. Do you light a flare? Do you run? Do you fight? So good!
  8. I personally get a kick out of listening to people whine about imbalance or unfair advantages. This is not a nice game. First of all, accept that and get used to it. Second, endeavour to to be smarter. You don't have to be the smartest, just smarter than the people around you.
  9. ynefel


    This. So much this. Started playing yesterday and am still astounded by how well such a simple idea can work. Arma 2 is also the perfect platform for it due to being able to have massive open world environments and the simulation-type controls only adds to the realism. Me and a mate were playing, and I lost track of how many times I swore or squealed like a little girl. Night time is absolutely terrifying - I love it. Extremely excited to see where this goes, it's only in Alpha, and it's amazing. Very, very impressed. Keep up the good work guys!