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Posts posted by Deadmeat8222


    if you read this well done.

    Let me start this out, as a fairly new player, by saying that the PvP in this game is one of the main reasons i was drawn to it however i was also drawn to the level of player interaction and the tension of not knowing when to trust them. At first i liked the nailbiting tension when meeting another survivor and not knowing whether they were a bandit or not (joined after the bandit skins were removed) calling out over direct "friendly?"

    However after the 4th death to the hands of my fellow "survivors" even when i was a fresh spawn just looking for tips from veteran players, I started to follow the same mentality as the people i met which is just, Oh look a survivor, he has a gun, Kill him or go into another Firefight....

    The way the players have acted to me and to each other is slowly killing what i still even now think is an amazing game, however this KoS mentality is slowly pushing me away from any player interaction as i simply cannot trust anyone enough to even lend a hand when i see them being chased by zombies or in dire situations.

    So that is why i think some sort of identification system should be in place, not because i am butthurt, just because the amount of greifing and KoS is killing the human interaction in the game short of getting people you know in RL and using teamspeak

    After reading this thread i came upon some great suggestions, aside from the ones such as lowering the spawn rates/ ammo spawns of military weapons to make them rarer which i have seen in other threads, one such idea i saw, that i liked, was of your character having some sort of sanity level which drops the more you kill, therefore adding subtle but slightly detrimental effects, such as shaky hands, faster breathing for a while after the murder Ect,ect, also as mentioned before in this thread you would be able to use alcohol/drugs to offset against the effects but you would suffer the effects again when the Booze/pill wear off, and the effects of the murder could also would also wear off in time so it isnt a permenant thing incase it was just self defence or you want to go straight. I think this would be a good idea to elaborate upon and would reccomend making a thread in suggestions as i think it would add a level of humanity and try to balance out the Survivor Vs Bandit Dilemma without adding any Major Nerfs and not gearing it especially twords one side

    However the first thing must be to fix the item duping, alt F4'ing and server hopping, this would at least even the playing ground out a bit more having people know if they die it isnt just a quick run to their tent to get another DmR and more rounds they would lose everything the same as the people they kill do.

    And i know people will just tell me to play a different game, but the game i was drawn to is vastly different to the DM fest that i got.


    Add sanity level, goes back to normal after time, too much KoS, Game feels too much like DM.

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