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About Airwren

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  1. Our server has been having this issue since it came online. At first no vehicles would spawn on the server which was apparently a known issue with newly onlined servers. The Dev team finally got that fixed a few days ago but now none of the vehicles will save at all. We spent 2 days repairing vehicles and each day during our daily server restart the vehicles respawn in their original spawn location with no repairs or gear saved in them. The issue with tents not saving has been oddly hit or miss. Some clan mates haven't had any trouble with their tents saving gear after a restart but mine and others always have their tents come back empty. Not sure what might be causing this other than because prior we had no problems. Probably going to revert until there's a Dev response and a fix inbound.
  2. I have yet to see any patches against the most common hacks in the game so far. People still hack weapons, port entire servers to debug forrest and nuke them, spawn everyone in Thunderdome etc. Some of these hacks have been around for a good while and they aren't getting fixed. As an admin that's my issue with the terrible tools given to admins to curb this behavior. You want it to be allowed on the servers so it can be tested and fixed, though it doesn't seem like they are getting fixed at all. Just my limited perception of your rationale here.
  3. Airwren

    US 1038 TX

    I'm on that server right now and it's night time, next time check your facts.
  4. Sorry I missed the post in the other thread that the applications have moved here. Repost: IRL Information Name: Drew Age: 35 Location: IL Timezone: Central Time Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?: I'm pretty sure that I meet all requirements listed. I have played on the server for a bit of time and don't think I've been an idiot or asshole to anyone. Game Information IGN: Starhawk Steam ID (if applicable): Airwren77 Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc): I'm open to any role that may be needed though I may be best suited for medic or assault at this point in my DayZ learning. Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences): I've been playing on the server for some time and it appears that GMS has a fun group of people playing together. I prefer to play with folks who are interested in helping others rather than banditry. I have also found that GMS members have been very helpful in answering questions and giving general game tips which has been a huge help. I like to have fun in the game and I feel that I would enjoy helping the clan. What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: I have a good working knowledge of the game and the map. I am also the type of person who is willing to learn from others and practice to improve my skills. Lastly, I'm someone who has no problem taking orders as well as giving them. If you need someone who will just pitch in and help where needed then I'd be a good selection. I also have no problem spending large amounts of time hunting for supplies and gear.
  5. Name: Drew Age: 35 In game name: Starhawk Steam Id: Airwren77 Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): I'm open to any role though I would be best suited as a medic, scout, or assault role at this point in my DayZ career. Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : I've been playing on the server for a bit of time and I enjoy the teamwork and atmosphere that seems to exist on the server because of GMS. I would like to join and be a part of helping to build and grow with a fun gaming community. What can you offer to the clan: I can offer a good working knowledge of the game as well as a willingness to follow directions. I'm also willing to help others and the clan.