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Everything posted by firebreeze

  1. firebreeze

    In game coordinates??

    Only way I have found is with the gps. If you know where you are at, you can look at the map http://www.dayzdb.com/map#4.067.123 and tell your friends your coordinates if they have gps.
  2. firebreeze

    HAX EVERYWHERE! Officially unplayable

    I am use to playing xbox 360, I like playing Halo 3 and Call of Duty and you don't really see this kind of cheating. This is a great game but I am sure more can be done to stop this kind of stuff, especially when a room of 30 dies within a few seconds. Teleporting people from one side of the map to the other. Seems like battleye could monitor that. Wouldn't be hard to say thats not possible and maybe lock that server and automatically shut it down. Battleye should have access to all logs for all servers. Then review the logs and ban accordingly.
  3. firebreeze

    HAX EVERYWHERE! Officially unplayable

    No because the highest percent of servers were running, I am gonna update today and see what kind of luck I have. Most the servers are running still. I don't see any info in changelog about any updated security preventing hacking. Whats new that will prevent it?
  4. firebreeze

    HAX EVERYWHERE! Officially unplayable

    3 times in one day yesterday. I gave up last night. I did alt and f4 but I still died. They teleport you way in the sky then let you fall to your death. Had my two brothers with me, its hard to get together as it is. Especially when they usually spawn one of us on opposite sides of the map. I have been under the impression that only admin can teleport and cheat but I am thinking anyone can. They like spawning people in the sky then letting them fall to their death, then they sit near the beaches with snipers and guille suits killing me and my brothers when we respawn. Rather sad way to play the game. Hoping to look into hosting my own private non hive game, tired of being cheated. This way I can turn tags on and if someone cheats I can boot them.
  5. firebreeze

    DE 389, Hello kitty

    I got cheated on this server at 12:30 a.m. on July 26, 2012. I was walking near the middle of map, then some how got spawned in front of a guy that was prone shooting me, thought it may have been lag, so then my brother joined the server and the same thing happened to him. Very sad way to die after a week of playing without dieing. Very fun game, it will not stop me from playing but I will not be joining this server again. Players beware of server.