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About Vicriv8282

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    On the Coast
  1. By randomely scripted events, I mean scripted events that occur at random times, in random places and offer a suggestive objective. For example: You are about to enter Elecktro to go on a supply run. Suddenly, the sound of an airplane can be heard. You look up and see a cargo plane flying in the distance. The plane is controlled by the game and not by players. The cargo plane then drops a few cargo cans of random supplies. Should you go to the supply drop knowing that other players might have seen it too? Will the random supplies be worth the risk? Or are you a bandit seeing this as an oppertunity to hunt. Did any infected hear the crash and are investigating too? If you are lucky, the cans dropped close to your location and you can grab what you need and run before anyone else shows up. That's what I mean by suggestive objectives. It's completely optional and it makes you think of risk versus reward which is an important part of the game. Another example: You and your friends are in Cherno when you see a large mass of infected approaching the city from the woods, running together and all in the same direction. Like a zombie stampede. You and your friends run to the nearest building and hide until the wave of death passes. One survivor didn't see the horde coming, was caught off guard and was quickly finished off. In this case, the objective of the random event is to hide until the stampede passes. (And, yes, I do know that this idea is a driect copy of the Herd from the Walking Dead franchise. Never the less, I think it is a perfect fit for DayZ). In order to prevent these events from getting old, they should only occur at most twice within a 24 hour period. That, mixed with the sheer size of the map, should make the events feel fresh and exciting (or terrifying) if you happen to come across them. DayZ in no way NEEDS these mechanics. I'm not even sure if it's possible with the Arma 2 engine. This is just an idea I had while playing the game. What do YOU think?
  2. Vicriv8282

    DayZ Stories

    I just entered a small farm next to a steep hill. I went into the 2 story hay barn to look for loot. As soon as I left I ran into another player trying to get in. We stared at each other but didn't shoot. "friend or foe?" I asked. He said "friend" so I let him go in the barn. I felt more calm when he turned his back to me. A bandit would never do that. Suddenly, we hear "I see 2 guys entering the barn. We need something to drink really bad. Our water meter is flashing red". I told him there was a water fountain next to the farm house. " Dont shoot. We're coming in". My new found friend and I took up defensive positions around the fountain. We didn't even have to tell each other to. It was instinct. Suddenly, My hands on the keyboard and mouse tensed up as 3 strangers wearing bandit skin entered the barn and walked to the fountain. We just watched each other. No direct chat, no text. 1 by 1 the bandits filled their bottles. As one filled his, the other two watched us. When they were done rotating, they slowly left the barn. They never turned their backs to us. I like to think we all breathed a sigh of relief.
  3. Vicriv8282

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    I really like the increased zombie count. Don't lower it. The ppl who are complaining are the bandits who player kill. Now it is harder for them to kill. The increased zombies gives the game more strategy.