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chrismgtis (DayZ)

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35 Good

About chrismgtis (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Anytime I see a "Current State of Development" for DayZ, I must chuckle. The newer DayZ players actually think there is measurable progress and they'll take a bite, hook, line and sinker. That's also a pretty hilarious disclaimer. Considering DayZ's development timeframes, it would take the development team something like 30 years to do what a small team has been able to accomplish so many times over the years.
  2. chrismgtis (DayZ)

    Why does the cross bow do more damage than the m4?

    Apparently he enjoys pain, suffering and death and bullets being lodged in not so nice places where they are difficult to get to. With an arrow you just cut the end off and pull it out then clean up the area and sew the person back up most of the time. Yea, I'll take an arrow. Weapons are absolutely FUBAR in DayZ. I put something like 10 rounds in a guy with M4 the other day and he was able to turn around and chase me with an axe. And that's why I barely play SA.
  3. chrismgtis (DayZ)

    Where is the action nowadays?

    NEAF really isn't active at all. If you jump servers looking for a fight eventually you'll find out. Of course. Otherwise, no, you'll never see anyone on 18/20 servers. It's also a waste of time. The loot is crap and there's almost none of it. Ultimately it doesn't really matter where you go. I've found that 9/10 players are exploiting these days, looking through walls and such. No point in even logging in.
  4. He just fails to realize that many things were promised that are not delivered nor will ever be delivered and we're said to have existed already in alpha which they do not.
  5. chrismgtis (DayZ)

    Will tents and bases reduce KoS mentality

    Not played DayZ Mod much?
  6. chrismgtis (DayZ)

    "Camping" KOS

    Get used to it. It is the entire point of the game and there's nothing else to do.
  7. chrismgtis (DayZ)

    Base buildings needs to come.. Fast.

    Meh. Base building just doesn't fit in this game. It was awesome in Arma 2 MP though.
  8. chrismgtis (DayZ)

    Thermal sights. Yes or no?

  9. chrismgtis (DayZ)

    Do you think Zombies should be headshots only?

    If you voted yes you're INSANE. Not with zombies that move this fast. No way in hell. Especially ones that can move through walls etc and move VERY erratically. If they were slow and predictable then sure, head shots only is absolutely fine. Basically I only fully support George Romero zombies. Anything else isn't doing it right.
  10. chrismgtis (DayZ)

    Unable to Open Doors or Move Items in Inventory

    Read the OP please.
  11. On what appears to be all servers at this moment myself and people in my clan cannot open doors, jump over objects or move items around in our inventory.
  12. chrismgtis (DayZ)

    Bandwidth + enemies close to you

    I know for a fact that it is true and it works extremely well. You don't seem to understand what bandwidth is.
  13. chrismgtis (DayZ)

    Developement time in DayZ

    Small minds tend to have that problem.
  14. chrismgtis (DayZ)

    Elysium Corps

    Bumping the post. We are still active.
  15. chrismgtis (DayZ)

    Ella's standalone guide

    No offense, but when I was fifteen I could type 140 words per minute accurately with capitalization and things like that. :P