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About lex.ikon

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. lex.ikon

    So..uhhh...now what?

    Keep the tents like they are (two days until they are wiped after the tent owners death) BUT with the owners death tents should be immediately placed on a random spot on the map. Other survivors would still be able to loot the tent for 2 days. The respawned character would be able to loot it too if he's able to find the tent. :P On the other hand this could bring us more KOS as not only your carried gear would be lost but also the tent with its gear would be much harder to find, if at all.
  2. lex.ikon

    Passing out every time i log in

    And that's the point. You have aggro'd zombies. I haven't. I was not even in a fight with other players. Still I pass out on login for 2+ minutes. I event don't need to disconnect from the server. Going back to the lobby is enough to be passed out on return (which is still some kind of log out, even if you stay connected to the gameserver, as my char gets saved at the master server every time I leave the map).
  3. lex.ikon

    Passing out every time i log in

    Having this problem too. Everytime i log in i'm passed out
  4. Date/Time: 21.06.2012/ approx. 23h (11pm) What happened: Wood disappeared Where you were: Brezino - Roof of a multi-storey house What you were doing: Trying to make a fire to cook meat *Current installed version: DayZ / ARMA2_OA_Build_93965 *Server(s) you were on: DE35 *Your system specs: Win7 x64 - Intel Q6600 - AMD 6950 - 8GB Ram *Timeline of events before/after error: Went to one of the multi-storey houses (the same houses are also placed around the hospital in Cherno) in Brezino. Found wood - Climbed up to roof. Placed wood on the roof. Tried to make a fire with matches. Didn't work (wood needs to be in the inventory - message on screen said). Put wood back into the inventory. Right clicked matches to make a fire. Animation placing wood on the roof started. Wood disappeared.
  5. Dead bodies should attract zombies (more than now). Three of us ran into some zeds yesterday. One of us didn't make it. He was already down to ca. 800 blood when we encountered them. He got hit once and died. I'm not sure about the time which has passed but no more than a minute or two - "poof" zombies despawned and we could get to his body for the loot. Would be cool if at least one or two zeds had stayed to feed on him making it harder for us to get the loot. If not killed by zeds but another player the chance to attract zeds could be raised in relation to the dead bodies loot. Better equipment - higher chance to attract zeds (I know this is not "realistic" - but it's still a game) Dead bodies could have a 10% chance to attract zeds. This could be raised to a maximum of e.g. 20% for a better equipped body. But zeds shouldn't pop out of nowhere. Limit it to a radius of e.g. 500/600/700 etc. meters.
  6. Like your comments, spawn. +1 Even if us "carebears" would try to make bandits/playerkillers life hard by trying to organize and hunt them down.... ALT-F4 login on another server. No way to identify, memorize and somehow track playerkillers. It's like an "all-you-can-eat buffet" for them without having to pay plus a safe spot (ALT-F4 or server change)