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About jayboltz

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  1. whitelist application John USA 19d470dd2dccb22bd53882b6f39dac09 I want to play on a hack free server
  2. jayboltz

    Night time doesn't serve a purpose

    Clatterbridge, the first thing you posted in this thread was snide and sarcastic, so don't try to claim that you're innocent and that I'm the asshole. I'm simply insulting to those that deserve it. It is not realistic for the night to be as dark as it is. And even if it were, its still almost unplayable and better avoided. It's not winter in game, and be it cloudy or not in game you can't see anything. That is not realistic as you so zealously claim. You sound like the kind of guy who leaves a well lit area at 10 PM at night and thinks "GEE ITS PITCH BLACK" and goes back inside. The human eye takes 20-30 minutes to become fully adjusted to complete darkness. The level of darkness in game is ridiculous. And the fact that you admit willingly that you only play on day servers really makes you sound foolish to begin with...why am I even replying to you...
  3. jayboltz

    Night time doesn't serve a purpose

    So...server hopping for loot is bad..server hopping to avoid night time is good? Ah I see, so stupid of me. How could I argue with such sound logic. You and so many other derpinators on this thread really seem to be advocating that people play on night servers often. I have actively looked for a night server with people on it. And as I've said before, its usually just 2-3 people and they're probably on there as hackers/exploiters or maybe they were lucky enough to get a pair of NVGs. I know there are hacks out there that give you a full kit of whatever you want, so that's not hard to imagine. The problem is the vast majority of players avoid night time like the plague because you can't see shit without using something that makes you stick out like a sore thumb to any bandits. I find it interesting that people will try to deny this. If they can't change the day/night cycles fine, I understand. If there are limitations with the engine then thats ok. But there are still many things that can be done to make people want to play during the night. I want to play during the night, I'm sure lots of other people do as well. It's a fucking zombie apocalypse game and I think night time should be a big part of it. Instead its just an annoyance that everyone simply bypasses for the same reasons I do. They could make the night time less dark so people can actually see somewhat, or they can add maybe new types of NVGs with various grades of quality or add more of the current ones, etc etc. The point is I think it can be fixed and that it should. If you don't agree, that's fine. But stop straw-manning the shit out of me when I'm not even BASHING the game.
  4. jayboltz

    Night time doesn't serve a purpose

    Hey goof, a game can be as realistic as it wants to be but if it's not fun then who gives a fuck. Yes using morphine to magically heal bones is "relatively" realistic to say, healing over time for no reason. NO SHIT SHERLOCK. Way to miss the point. My point was if you can heal bones with morphine, and that's fine and dandy, then what would be SO TERRIBLE about having shorter day/night cycles to make people want to play during the night? Instead they server hop and thats OK with you? It's not a matter of patience, its a matter of no one playing on night servers. Sure people say they do and its fairly common, yet somehow I have YET to find one server with more than 2-3 people on them. Hmmm I think someone might be lying and/or full of shit?
  5. jayboltz

    Night time doesn't serve a purpose

    This thread is about removing night all together? How big of a dipshit are you exactly? I made this thread and I'm fairly certain it was about adjusting the night cycle to IMPROVE upon it. Pretty sure I know what the OP said because I'm the one who said it? DING DING DING HERE COMES THE CLUEMOBILE, looks like they missed your stop! You failed to realize that by YOU not reading my entire post, you may be the one who jumped the gun. Wow you are very ignorant.
  6. jayboltz

    Night time doesn't serve a purpose

    Look the game's fun, but it has its problems and they need to be addressed if they're going to be fixed. You people that bash those who want to give constructive feedback and/or suggestions are hurting the game, not helping it.
  7. jayboltz

    Night time doesn't serve a purpose

    You are a dumbass and its people like you that will drive this game into the ground. You're just one of those people within every niche mod that seems to think everything about it is divine. If you honestly think that it isn't a problem that people all simultaneously leave a server when it goes night, then you are a a dipshit. If you think that people who go on a day server to get NVGs and then go to a night server to take advantage of that loophole, then you are a dipshit. Basically, you do believe these things, so in fact you are a massive dipshit.
  8. jayboltz

    Night time doesn't serve a purpose

    Wow that is too bad, but he could still probably make the night less dark, or make NVGs more accessible.
  9. jayboltz

    Night time doesn't serve a purpose

    You all make these stupid replies and yet if it were that simple (which it isnt and you all know it) people would play on servers during night periods. But they don't and I doubt any of you do. Why do people feel the impulse to imply that theres some simple way to get around at night when there really isnt. Can you honestly say you'd go walking around the main cities/air fields with a bright flare or flash light rummaging through buildings? You know you wouldnt, so stop acting like thats what people do.
  10. jayboltz

    Night time doesn't serve a purpose

    Its funny, I made this post about making the day/night cycle shorter so that people would actually want to PLAY during the night. I'm not bitching about how awful it is, I just would like to see it improved. No one plays during the night except for a very small amount. How is that not a problem? Yes the game is an alpha but that doesn't mean you cant give constructive feedback. I knew I'd get a few fanboys who see this game as the last hope for hardcore gamers or w/e but it still needs work OBVIOUSLY. Stop being morons and be objective.
  11. jayboltz

    Night time doesn't serve a purpose

    Try actually living out in the middle of nowhere where there isn't a streetlight in 5 miles before talking to me about how well eyes can adjust at night.
  12. jayboltz

    Night time doesn't serve a purpose

    Oh you're smart, what a clever reply. You've completely debunked my whole statement with that one sentence, gosh don't I feel dumb? Silly me I should have realized such a simpe solution. It's not like they're one of the rarest items in the game, which means if you are lucky enough to get them you'll probably be dead before you can use them. Hah infact it's so strange that all servers on during the night are always depopulated with such a simple fix! Thanks professor dipshit where would I be without you!
  13. I started playing recently and I've noticed a trend, all servers that are in the night phase are always depopulated. I've tried finding one with more than like 2-3 people and I can't. So from what I can tell, the night periods last for about as long as it does in real life, I think this is a problem. The night period is obviously a huge pain in the ass to actually do anything in, and if you do try to navigate your way through without night vision (too rare to be a solution) then you're stuck with using the flash light. Now if you're using a flash light, you make yourself a massively bright "PLEASE KILL ME" beacon to anyone in the area. And with the KOS atmosphere of the game, no one with any semblance of intelligence is going to use it. Now, obviously this can all be avoided by simply leaving the server in favor of one that is on day time hours. But if you can just leave a server that's on night in favor of daytime then it really serves no purpose. However, I think it is detrimental because in a game like this, the whole atmosphere of night time is a big part of the immersion and sense of danger. A simple solution would be to adjust the day/night cycle so that they come every 30 minutes to an hour or so (similar to the day/night cycles in the GTA games). Also I think the level of darkness should be adjusted so that it isn't like staring at a black screen (in real life your eyes will adjust even during a cloudy night to be able to make out some objects). Maybe some of you are thinking "OMGEE!!! DUDDE THATS NOT REALISTIC BRUH THE EARTH DOESNT ROUND N 1 HR BRUH THIS GAMES BOUT REALISM BRUH." Be reminded that realism should not detract from gameplay. Besides, its not "realistic" that a stick of morphine will somehow heal a broken leg and allow you to continue your 10 kilometer trek across hilly forest terrain, but it does in this game because otherwise it'd be stupid. Anyway, not sure if its been brought up before or not, but that's my opinion.