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snafuu (DayZ)

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Everything posted by snafuu (DayZ)

  1. snafuu (DayZ)

    Tents. D:

    It's simple; you need to save the tent after you destroy it. It just so happens that's not possible, but that's a small detail. Not that tents are reliable anyway. Destroyed tents could be intended to respawn empty, yet they're just about as likely to turn into a goat or something. ARMA wasn't designed for persistence and Rocket doesn't have source access. This won't be fixed.
  2. snafuu (DayZ)


    Rest assured that we have no reason to believe ARMA 3 won't also use Battleye.
  3. snafuu (DayZ)


    No, there is no way to estimate your temperature unless you get sick without being hit by a zombie or the thermometer starts flashing.
  4. Are you trained in gorilla warfare?
  5. inbefore someone mentions the wheel fixing itself.
  6. snafuu (DayZ)


    Flashing thermometer doesn't mean you're sick, it means you're at or below 30. You just have no idea when that's going to happen, and luckily for all of us, random illnesses start much higher than that.
  7. It's also exploited, not just tents being buggy in every which way. The first time I saw it I was sort of excited because I couldn't tell what I was looking at. So many tents on top of each other. I called it the tentagram.
  8. snafuu (DayZ)


    Apparently you aren't supposed to know. I mean, it wasn't part of the changelog.
  9. snafuu (DayZ)

    M107 with larger clip...

    My flares and chemlights do that all the time, and once it happens, it takes a lot of throwing and several restarts to get rid of it. Even then, it seems like they got bugged permanently or something. It first happened after a hacker teleported me to beartrapisland, but these aren't even the same stack so it probably just comes from the ammo refill on quit bug.
  10. snafuu (DayZ)

    G36 with silencer?

    Not legit.
  11. snafuu (DayZ)

    If you don't have anything nice to say...

    Don't go making threads and then not giving credit to your inspiration. I see what you're doing.
  12. snafuu (DayZ)

    Weapon Damage Re-upped

    Apparently Makarov ammo was stronger than it should be, but only in the same way that all 9mm ammo was too strong and also nerfed. Also, Bohemia appears to have a sudden and severe problem with 5.45 rounds. Boy, I had no idea that they are scientifically half as effective against armor as NATO rounds.
  13. snafuu (DayZ)

    Spawn Surpressors?

    Doesn't work in ARMA 2 (and won't be added), is a feature of ARMA 3.
  14. snafuu (DayZ)

    DayZ - Gille Suit m.m for female

    If I could press a button to take your beans I would.
  15. snafuu (DayZ)

    US1298 Admins kicking all players.

    PROTIP: when your server is "testing" for more than a day, consult your nearest banhammer.
  16. snafuu (DayZ)

    Why do regular/recruit servers exist?

    Are you sure that's how polls work?
  17. snafuu (DayZ)

    Raising Gamma/Brightness an Exploit?

    It's exploitative, but I won't call it an exploit because that implies I care and think anything can be done about it.
  18. snafuu (DayZ)

    No female zombies?

    No, that's the thing, they can't. Just like they can't just 'add' ghillie suits to female characters. The movements won't work with female zombies and making new animations for them isn't a priority.
  19. snafuu (DayZ)

    No female zombies?

    Not added because female animations are more work to add and more work for something like this isn't a priority. Honestly, there are about a million things that won't be added (before standalone) because they're more work than they're worth. Those aren't nuns, those are Orthodox priest dudes.
  20. As was said, locking is never allowed. At this point, you don't have your own server unless it's actually private. When you start a DayZ server, you're donating it to be used to help meet the number of people who want to play. Changing difficulty is still allowed, and admin abuse is still rampant, but neither those nor locking is going to be possible (on most servers, at least) in the future.
  21. No, not really. Taking a look at the list should answer it.
  22. I had no idea good things spawn at deer stands. I was under the impression that 99 empty cans, 5 smoke grenades, and an AK didn't qualify as good. It's not exactly hard to find anywhere else. (yeah, villages shouldn't suck)
  23. lol, "turning into" That's like saying 4chan used to be good. Yeah, I went there.
  24. snafuu (DayZ)

    Why do regular/recruit servers exist?

    Why are there 'expert' servers that have third person enabled? Then you've got 'hardcore' servers which is just hilarious. Don't worry, eventually there will be no difficulty settings.
  25. snafuu (DayZ)

    Worst Weapon In Dayz

    It's not any louder than a bunch of weapons anymore. That was reduced too. also, homocide