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Posts posted by sheppydog

  1. I actually didn't know you could bury the bodies lol.

    Thats fine' date=' if they want to bury the bodies that would be great. Increase the time it would take to bury them. They may be loathe to expose themselves while taking care of it. Maybe make a shovel a requirement. Imagine if you are in the middle of burying a body and are discovered by other survivors/bandits. You may have to explain yourself to survivors, or you may just get shot on sight.

    True bandits killing for the "lulz" won't take time to bury the bodies. It is a sign of notoriety and a warning to others about how dangerous they are.

    What do you think?


    I like the idea of the investigation system, and the idea of finding a shovel and longer "hide body" times

  2. agreed. it's death match with zombies. no matter how friendly you can be right now' date=' you'll always end up killing others. there's just nothing else to do in this game.


    Personally I think the best thing a lot of aggravated players can do is to help give constructive feedback and be patient. the game is still fun for me, however I've lost any interest in playing it as a group due to how little benefit it offers. I feel direct communication would REALLY help the PVP situation. at least for the mature players.

    I feel PVP is also something that is core to the game, its very neat to not expect what someone would/could do. Hopefully a revised humanity system will help discourage random murdering

    again to reiterate, the best way we as a community can make the mod better is to give calm constructive criticism and not ragey "this is deathmatch I'm leaving" type of threads.

  3. I Like that there is PVP, I like that you need to be cautious of other people and that people will do anything to survive. its just a shame that people are getting gunned down on the shore immediately. half of the time this isn't even for supplies or because people perceive them as a threat. its just to grief.

    all things considered I love the mod, happy to be a part of the alpha. but for the moment I think some of us need to take a break while the griefers disperse until something new comes out

  4. I agree with most of the OP's points except inventory. tin cans are useful now and most of the backpacks hold quite a bit. it would be nice to see the CDF (green camo?) backpack hold more then the defualt coyote though.

    I also agree with it being too easy to just survive by killing everyone you see. I can stay by the coast at night and shoot all the new people I see without fear of them returning fire.

  5. Frankly I love the mod, and I like that there is mistrust. but as of now its really just turned into deathmatch with some zombies thrown in. hopefully with direct comm's installed this will be fixed. but right now its not even about zombies.

    You are rewarded a lot more by killing other players then sneaking through zombie infested towns.

  6. I only play on 3rd person servers' date=' I understand why some people would like first person for pvp. but frankly arma in first person is more immersion breaking to me then 3rd person. the first person view has very awkward movement and possibly the worst reloading animations I've ever seen.

    I'd be happy if arma 3 has improved reload animations and more realistic fluid movement. but if it doesn't I'm sticking with 3rd person


    Fair enough that you feel that 3rd person is more immersion breaking for you, but realize that you're seeing the same exact animations and moving just the same in third person, just from a different camera position. Also, how could you tolerate the awkward looking reload animations (most are actually quite good, considering it's an actual model animation) in third-person but not in first?

    If people want a more classic first person experience, then just turn the head-bobbing and free-aim all the way down and that's that.

    Edit: That said, let people use third person, but disable HUD elements like cross hairs and such. It doesn't matter that much when it comes to shootouts with other players, as the fights aren't about the quick draw and such like other games, but rather tactical positioning.

    I'll try to cover why I dont like first person a little better

    Reloading: instead of removing the magazine, grabbing another, inserting it, and pulling the charging handle (there are no wet/dry reloads). the first person view just moves the hand to the mag, magazine disappears, gun is brought out of view and shakes a bit and POOF fully loaded weapon. in third person you dont have to watch this process as much and in my case lets me assume it is done correctly. its purely aesthetic. Resident evil 5 had very well done 3rd person model reloading

    Movement: In arma 2 you move very...oddly. its very passable and isnt game breaking, but its not as fluid as other games (or real life). if you are in 3rd person it will seem less sticky. hard to explain sorry :'c

    weapons: none of the weapons in arma are held all that well in first person. most of them clip through your hands. things like fore grips and GL grips are not used entirely in some cases. you don't see this in 3rd person as much

    overall the only reason I use 3rd person is for aesthetic reasons. and while I appreciate that reload/weapon modeling is the same as the world model its just simply not as smooth as using other games methods. Red orchestra and BF have very good first person reloading animations. and passable world views. I frankly don't care to see my enemy reloading with complex animations if it costs me the fact that weapon modeling in first person is worse

    I apologize for the poor grammar :(

  7. I only play on 3rd person servers, I understand why some people would like first person for pvp. but frankly arma in first person is more immersion breaking to me then 3rd person. the first person view has very awkward movement and possibly the worst reloading animations I've ever seen.

    I'd be happy if arma 3 has improved reload animations and more realistic fluid movement. but if it doesn't I'm sticking with 3rd person

  8. depending on how sever the infection is (isolated or full on apocalypse), it would be neat to see some rare small group government kill team AI that would wonder the area killing everything.

    I'm more for the idea though that a military helicopter would spawn sometimes and crash, giving you a "investigate crash site". this would lead to many players converging on the site to get the loot the fastest. would create a nice tension too
