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About Venom9287

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Venom9287


    Go to the Editor on Arma 2: OA...just throw down a heap of NPCs, add movements to them as well and you can practice that way. Good camping spot? Hill overlooking Electro...though go there expecting to die, you wont be the only one there...it's more for shits 'n' giggs.
  2. Venom9287

    2 questions about helicopter.

    When refueling, scroll down and press the refuel option again, then again. That'll do all 3 during the same animation....from my experience.
  3. Venom9287

    Admin Abuse? US 599

    Okay cheers, I was unaware of what admins can and can't do, so I apologise to the admins on that server.
  4. No sure if this was admin abuse or hacking alas I got it here. US 599 Hosted by {E} Hayden_nz About 12am GMT +10 (10am EST I believe)