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Everything posted by foxthor

  1. foxthor

    Your first time being a bandit.

    My first kill i was solo, got to Stary Sobor and camped up on the hill looking over the tents, i had an AK-Kobra. A few minutes later i hear some shots, so i wait and watch, then 2 guys start running training zombies into the military tents. I then Crawl down the hill toward the tents until i finally get a nice spot under the burnt out ute, wait for them to come out and Pop- Pop- Pop... dead. Grabbed some nice loot off that one. My Best kill though was last night, me and a few friends were camping Stary with Assault weapons, i had a FN-Fal from a previous kill. We sat for ages waiting with nothing, about to log out, its late at night, and my friends fucking around rolling down the hill towards the shopping centre, i look to my left across the field, and 10 metres away two guys in Gillie suits are standing there looking at me, i dont think they saw me right away, then they shot, but before they hit me i unloaded a whole FN-Fal clip into both of them.... DAMN that was a fun kill... Got M107's the L85A2 AWS, NVG's , Siolenced M9's.. so much good shit... damn that was an awesome kill... Now to use our snipers and NVG's to murder more PPl.... haha watch out.
  2. foxthor

    Servers not showing?

    Still no servers showing up for me. or a friend of mine.