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Chewbacca Jesus

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About Chewbacca Jesus

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  1. I'm unsure of the procedure here. I've apparently been banned since it won't let me join any server and keeps saying something like 'Kicked: Banned (Hacking/cheating anti-hax)'. Now, I'm not sure what to do here because I've no idea what I've been banned for. Can anybody help? And no, I've not been hacking/cheating.
  2. I literally can't go to NWA now since it's gotten so bad.
  3. Chewbacca Jesus

    DMR or M107?

    I know what it's called. Just because it's called that doesn't necessarily mean it'll be as effective. I've never used the m107 before, so I was wanting a second opinion. Think before you try get one over on someone, you arsehole.
  4. Chewbacca Jesus

    DMR or M107?

    Which one and why? I'm the designated marksman in the squad, and have the choice between the two but I'm not sure what to pick.
  5. So many screen tears and graphical glitches, especially around Stary so I have no idea where I'm going because I literally can't see anything. Any fixes?
  6. That's not it at all. My squad roles with a FAL, an LW and a DMR so we aren't effected. What is effected, however, is the realism factor. I play DayZ because it's different. The last thing I want is for it to become like COD.
  7. Pistols are now borderline useless, especially against players.
  8. Let's face it, the reason for Arma 2's sales is because of Rocket and DayZ. I think he holds more power than he knows. If the community speak up about the nerfs, then surely he'll be able to reason with the devs/release a counter patch or something.
  9. Chewbacca Jesus

    Kicked From The Server.

    Hmm...do you use sixlauncher?
  10. Chewbacca Jesus

    How many people do you feel comfortable playing with?

    We carry a balance on our person at all times, but keep the majority of it in bulk in our backpacks. It's just easier to organize knowing who actually has what when we run out of stuff. Also, in the case of deaths, we've never died by Zeds, but in PVP we've lost one guy once, but the general procedure is if we lose one we go half and half in the bags. If we lose 2, the one remaining survivor will retreat to the coast to help the other two out - luckily we haven't had to do that yet.
  11. Chewbacca Jesus

    Kicked From The Server.

    Have you downloaded the latest patch?
  12. I usually like it to be a squad of 2 or 3. I find having a bigger squad cumbersome. There's more chance of being seen, you tend to go slower travelling in a pack, and whatever loot you find can be evenly shared out usually. It's also good in terms of tactics as well. One man holds the food, the other medical supplies, and the other ammo. One man marksman, the other Assault and the other one close quarters/silencer. I never play on my own. Call me a noob, but I'm just not comfortable with it.
  13. Chewbacca Jesus

    Are Crashed Helis A Bit Borked?

    It's glorious.
  14. Chewbacca Jesus

    Are Crashed Helis A Bit Borked?

    So jelly.
  15. My buddy and I have found 2 crashed Helis in one session, but each time they had 3 of the same weapon. 3 DMRs in one and 3 FN FALs in the other. Anyone else had this?