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Everything posted by Vellarain

  1. Ya that sniper with an AS50 in the Ghille really need to be killed for such deplorable starting area camping.
  2. First thing first, your stupid little signature has Friendly:Yes. And forming a starting area death squad must make you feel so hard when you flush out some fresh players with Enfields with a god damn Satchel charge, bet the hacker you looted gave you that too. Oh and you barbed wired up the starting area as well, how cute you are a real credit to this community.
  3. A lot can happen in a month, many players lose that sense of adventure when first playing the game or have been bitten too many times t really want to put out a hand of friendship anymore. I have had only one friendly encounter in this game and even then, this player was unarmed and me and my ally were well armed and controlled the situation absolutely. The real issue here is that death carry's a lot of weight in this mod and if you do murder someone they have to start all over again, some people take joy in that sensation that they caused someone grief and feel a thrill about it. Apply that to a bunch of people that do not have that kind of control in reality and you will find a large group of people with very light trigger fingers when they have the upper hand. This mod really shows some peoples character when you allow them to stack the deck in their favor, like a sniper in a nameplate server with an AS50 overlooking Elektro there is no reason for him to be there other than to kill players in the most easy way possible. He does it because it feels good knowing that he is forcing people to start all over. What is worse is that this sniper can link up with other like minded people and now they can control a starting area with ease. Elektro is too far from Balota airfield so starting players with assault rifles will be rare, the highest threat that they will encounter is maybe a CZ or Enfield. Yet they will do this, over and over with little to no risk on their part.
  4. Vellarain

    just another hacker story :(

    Good god that would be heartbreaking...
  5. Vellarain

    Please fix the wilderness bugs

    Disconnecting and reconnecting does not magically fix your broken legs, he needs to die/respawn or receive some morphine to resolve the issue.
  6. I don't see anything wrong with their actions at all in this video, it seems you have forgotten just how tense player encounters can be when you have good gear and something to lose. Running up behind a player with an assault rifle unannounced is not very bright at all and they had to make a snap decision at that moment. If you knew they were in the building or had a sense that they were, be a civil person and Call/type 'friendly' before you are in line of sight with them. This method is safe for both parties since, if they do no respond and you do not wish to get into a fire fight you can quickly move away from the confrontation safely. While I do understand your frustration of shoot first ask questions later you have to accept the fact that even though you want all close encounters to be calm there are many predators in this game that would have simply seen both those players as a kill opportunity. What I think you should do is find some players outside of the game via the free DayZ team speak or in the Survivor HQ and link up with others to play with to reduce the chances of being an easy kill. This will cut down on heart ache and give you a far better sense of security, the buddy system works and your video is proof of that really!
  7. Never trust anyone with an axe when you have reasonably good gear, they got nothing to loose.
  8. Vellarain

    STANAG ammo

    Small off topic question that I just became curious of, does STANAG SD clips effect damage and range?
  9. Vellarain

    Why Don't the Zombies Just Run Straight?

    They are the most aware zombies in any game knowing that running right at a player will mean a quick death, so they zigzag to break your legs with their bear hands!
  10. Vellarain

    I feel really, really bad...

    As I was reading I deemed your action a little underhanded, but here is an interesting point in this story many seem to be overlooking. The guy with the shot gun had ammo left but was clearly being deceptive about the fact. For all you know he could have just been itching for the moment when he could have dumped that slug into the back of your skull for a free AKM. But that is how this game works, it could have easily been you getting killed for giving them salvation. Does it make you a bad person, well no this is a game where the strong survive and they were at your mercy. You say you feel bad for the action as the topic says so somewhere in the back of your mind if felt wrong to pull that trigger when you did. Ultimately you had to make a the call at that moment when you asked them if they were out of ammo, I think you made the right choice.
  11. Vellarain


    Oh yes, the wonderful doors of doom. I had a encounter like this with the second security gate in the medical tent by Balota Airfield. It flew open and slammed me into the wall and snapped me in half like a twig leaving me with less than 4000 blood and a broken leg. Some times I think the environment is more dangerous than the zombies or players.
  12. Vellarain

    Snipers who camp heli crash sites

    High risk, High reward.
  13. Vellarain

    Sniping in Heli-crash sites

    I don't they are bored or lazy at all, they simply enjoy the act of murder knowing that is causing someone else grief. But they went and found the crash site, they picked the best spot to catch people approaching the location and they picked the right moment to take the shot and get the kill. As I have said before for some people it is about the survival and the tense player encounters, while others it is about setting up the kill.
  14. Vellarain

    Fire Station Death

    Being on the tower would have silhouetted you against the horizon of the coast, easy night sniper bait.
  15. Vellarain

    Fire Station Death

    Did you hear shots before you hit the roof?
  16. Vellarain

    Sniping in Heli-crash sites

    End Game, having the items you deem best in the game. example: A Sniper with AS50, Ghille suit, Range Finder, GPS. That can easily be defined as end game in DayZ, he has some of the best equipment that can be found and survival is trivial to this player in the games current state.
  17. Vellarain

    Snipers who camp heli crash sites

    Death is a part of this game, learn to gear up fast and you can bounce back easily. Learn from your loss and move on, crash sites are easily the most dangerous places well beyond the main cities for their intense value. They used that to their advantage and now you are down in the dirt.
  18. Vellarain

    Fire Station Death

    Why were you on the roof!?
  19. Vellarain

    Snipers who camp heli crash sites

    Heh, two topics on the top with the same title... I guess some chopper campers have been raking in the kills much?
  20. Vellarain

    Sniping in Heli-crash sites

    They don't need to kill, they want to kill.
  21. Vellarain

    Sniping in Heli-crash sites

    Sniping is hard on a server with no name plating. Anywhere else and its only a few PageUps or Downs to make a shot with no effort other than watching the blood spill out from your direct hit.
  22. Vellarain

    Sniping in Heli-crash sites

    That is how they want to play the game, they enjoy your deaths and the act of killing knowing that in this game that when you die you are not just another tick on their kill count but you have to start from scratch. A chopper is a great place for them to guarantee that they will be making people start all over again with little need to risk alerting too many individuals like in Cherno or Elektro. Plus many players will see a chopper and throw caution to the wind for the most part wanting to get in and out fast. At least they had some honor when they were outplayed but another persons survival can be another's sport.
  23. Vellarain

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    Was looking for all the basic survivor gear in Cherno on a fresh spawn since I play the opening moments of the game as make or break with little care for my own safety until I have stuff worth losing. By the docks with the large warehouse I find a decked out corpse laying right at the large double doors, SCORE. So from nothing I now have pretty much all the mid tier bells and whistles, Alice pack, M16, G17 and pretty much a full toolbelt! Survival mode kicks in and now I am in the game, someone shot this person and left his body untouched, I highly doubt that. So I move into the warehouse to keep my exposure down when suddenly a hail of bullets rains where I was just standing, looks like I beat the killer to the punch and now he wants his stuff back! quickly I make my way to the second floor and hold tight at the stairs waiting for any one to attempt to enter this building. Minutes pass and there is no movement or sound, just the odd spattering of gun fire well off in the distance to keep me tense. Curiosity gets the better of me as I move into the larger room on the second level metal walkway to check the windows, and there at the corner of the building adjacent to the warehouse is my attacker just waiting for me to leave the building. Not bothering to hesitate I open up on him with a quick burst laying him low when I hear the snap of someone else taking a shot at me. As I attempt to back off and get to cover, something odd happens. My character jerks down for a moment and the again, suddenly I am at ground level and I hear the sounds of bones cracking. I clipped through the wall I was using for cover. So I died from clipping though a wall during a gunfight and bled out a slow death. This was hardly the way I was expecting to go down and just simply embarrassing. The great set of gear I stumbled on was lost and I am sure the player I gunned down might have still lived from the encounter since I was unable to ensure his death before his ally took a shot at me. Lesson Learned: Find a decked out corpse, loot and run for the hills! Never trust those damn walkways!
  24. Vellarain

    friendly canadian looking for friends

    Fellow Canadian here as well, steam name is Vellarain!