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Everything posted by Vellarain

  1. Vellarain

    DayZ personality list!

    Bah, pictures did not open right.
  2. Having the ability to just quit out when the cards don't fall in your favor is not just a bitch tactic it is clearly an exploit to keep your items and you can even re position onto another server and rejoin the server you were attacked on to gain an advantageous position over who ever you were fighting. Having the ability to do either is just cowardly and manipulative, you can even use this feature to avoid zombie attacks making the whole idea of this game as a survival mod unfair and trivial for a exploitative player
  3. Vellarain

    What are your DayZ regrets?

    Hearing gun shots all over Cherno around the apartment complexes getting me on edge. I take an advantageous position on the stair case where I am only vulnerable to grenades and fast reflexes. Guy B lines up the stairs and I unload my 1911 into his back, no hesitation. After checking his corpse I find only a few basic items, no weapon to speak of. he was just taking cover like me. Later I would find the wild bill shooter on the hospital roof taking shots on anyone that moved with his Enfield, I put a stop to that. I felt sorta bad for the unarmed kill, but the situation demanded that I protect myself at all costs.
  4. Vellarain

    Why are people so backwards?

    I support neither actions, though when confronted with an obvious hacker I will ALT-F4.
  5. Vellarain


    Live by this rule and recite it before you open up DayZ.
  6. I have a 4 year old computer And I can run this game on very high settings with 40+ framerate. Specs Intel Xenon Quad core 2.4ghz ATI Radeon 4850 512 meg video card 4 gigs of DDR2 RAM 320 Gig hard drive (HDD do matter in this game.)
  7. Vellarain

    What to do against Bandits...

    Good tactics if you are not in a advantageous position.
  8. Hackers wiping out servers with a snap of their fingers is a serious problem that needs to be addressed soon and fast because the more rampant that stuff gets the more the player base with just abandon the game altogether.
  9. Vellarain

    Is everyone in DayZ like this?

    Alright, you are gonna be taking a risk with any player you encounter. Some are going to be good and will try helping you out, others care little about concepts of mercy or compassion. Every person will react differently and you are going to find some jaded people that have been taken advantage of this game far too often and will shoot you rather than help because that is easier than extending the branch of trust.
  10. Vellarain

    What to do next?

    You are gonna have to stat heading north and looking for downed helicopters or hitting up the North West Air Field to gear up well beyond what you have right now. Hell I think you should be stopping by Balota Air Field to pick up half decent assault weapon before heading north at all.
  11. Vellarain


    *sits quietly with a horde of beans.*
  12. Vellarain

    Snipers are OP?

    That is fucking nightmare fuel for any soldier. A 50 cal is not just powerful but it highly accurate and can reach targets far further than any other sniper rifle easily. What a beast of a weapon.
  13. Vellarain

    Disagreeable Ramble Simulator

    Pro tip: always have the map open and orient yourself by picking out landmarks. DayZ Map: Home Tip 2: That Airfield you blew past, that place is full of mid range gear... mostly assault rifles and other critical things.
  14. Vellarain

    Do you kill on sight?

    Kind of a tough call for me since every encounter never plays out the same no matter where you are. For example, if I see someone just camping out on the roof of a hospital in Cherno with a rifle you bet your ass ill be pumping a round into his skull. So I put kill on sight unless unarmed, even though I do get the odd peaceful encounter here and there. But I am usually in control of the situation and I make the choice to let them live.
  15. Vellarain

    Confused about ALT+ F4ers

    ALT-F4 is ability to call mulligan in the gunfight you are losing. Usually someone that ALT-F4's will re-appear in a more advantageous area of the map so that he has a fair chance to win the fight. IF he still cannot win he will ALT-F4 again until he can finally gain a even match against his opponent and win though skill alone without the use of cover, elevation, range, ect.
  16. Vellarain

    Your scariest DayZ expierience

    Its night time and I am at the medical tents of Balota Air Field looking in the deer huts for maybe a weapon or some starter gear. As I am passing past the front gates a player on the outside starts to pitch flares into the camp lighting it up like the fourth of July. He easily spots me and starts to fire at me with no hesitation. Still I have no gun, or hatchet to offer any kind of resistance and in my position I am just a sitting duck with only tents for cover! Eventually I manage to make a mad dash to the hole in the barbwire since all his aggressive fire drew zombies to him. Barely got out of there alive with the odd snap of a bullet streaking past me as he sprayed at my silhouette.
  17. Vellarain

    Why did I spend $30 for this?

    I can only give you one beans though you deserve much more for this.
  18. Vellarain

    Name your good deed of the day.

    Balota airfield I caught a player trying to crawl into the hanger I was in with nothing but a flashlight on him and a hopeful smile. I let him by so he could get the AKM that I had no interest in. He thanked me and we parted ways, one of the few peaceful encounters I have had in this game.
  19. Vellarain

    Worst 30$ spent.

    I got exactly what I was expecting, a heavily bugged Alpha game that is still in a state of barely functioning status.
  20. Vellarain

    I'm tired of not finding vehicles

    I will find a vehicle one day, and then ill drive it around and pick up all the good boys and girls!
  21. Nah, bro we just hate on your mad spelling skills and sick ability to own bitches around the coast like a mad gangster! Don't mind me while I go back to my cloud castle and hang out with Huggalot bear and the rest of my teddy crew.
  22. Vellarain

    Is this a starving game?!

    Yes, only wait until the hunger meter is flashing red, water too to gain the most from your supplies.
  23. Vellarain

    As long as I didn't hack it in right?

    If the gun is not supposed to exist in the DayZ mod, you best drop it in the ocean and pretend it never existed. If the gun is a legit find in the game but obviously added through nefarious means like spawning crates and such. You made the kill you earned that gun.
  24. Yep you win, you proved nothing and made no real impact on anyone here or around you. Crawl back into your hole and tell yourself how awesome you are.