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About sarkasm0

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    Montevideo - Uruguay
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  1. Omg this, having a rifle called DMR is like having a gun called "Assault rifle" or "Carbine", makes no sense.
  2. sarkasm0

    Coming out to my clan

    Whut, jesus, my reading skills suck. But then OP, I don't get it, why would anyone care about your personal preferences in a game, it's not like you have to rub it on their faces. Fu**ing people.
  3. sarkasm0

    Coming out to my clan

    I'm missing something here, what are you OP? Homosexual?
  4. I miss when vehicles were actually strange....
  5. I've always played in first person and with the default camera shake, even tho I understand people not liking the camera shake, first person in one of the most important things if you want to achieve immersion, which I believe is the point of this game. Can't speak for the others, but I stated my point of view regarding FPV a few months ago.
  6. Movies? books? the hell you talking about, TPV is a cheap way of looking over corners and over things and not risking yourself, nothing more.
  7. Always been a 1st person player, and I also been waiting for this discussion for years....
  8. sarkasm0

    Special massage for Stalin.

    Oh god, this is so fucking sad, not the thread, but this dude acting as if he is g00gle. This guy has no shame and TOO MUCH free time
  9. Way too strange and nothing especial about it, I'd rather use a makarov before an M9
  10. Ehm... try some other mod, those may not be as "challenging" as chernaurs but it's really worth it to check them out.
  11. I can't help but to be disgusted, I wouldn't say is a bad patch, but "there is nothing wrong with it at all" it's just plain D*** S***ing.
  12. I don't get it, is it a chernarus map with AI? where are the bots?