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Everything posted by adrick

  1. adrick

    AusDayZ Server location.

    BAHAHAHAH cry more, dude you didn't do anything useful all you did was flood the ts with crys. grow up and learn to play the game you cry baby. also you were in the forums you were never in the "clan" you so speak of. why do people assume so much bullshit.
  2. adrick

    The first nice player I've seen all day.

    I guess thats why he was called Doc hahah.
  3. adrick

    AusDayZ the betrayers, avoid.

    You obviously do considering you read through and went out of your way to post.
  4. adrick

    AusDayZ the betrayers, avoid.

  5. adrick

    AusDayZ the betrayers, avoid.

    lol nice input and no Proudy we didn't need to take any of your gear we already had it all i just killed you purely cause i wanted to. we loaded your gear into the ural for you but then instead of staying on and getting it back you sent me private messages then went onto the dayz forums not ours and sulked. hahaha child.
  6. adrick

    AusDayZ the betrayers, avoid.

    You're right it's a terribly piss poor effort. hence you backing out like the bitch you are hahahaha! i would call you a random considering you didn't even post in our forums introducing yourself, and no-one on ADZ even recall you helping once. so type more keyboard warrior type more. <12:55:22> "Proudy": great paragraph mate <12:55:39> "Proudy": i needed to get a translator to read that <12:57:06> Your chat partner has disconnected. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA child. i love ur little personal messages they just fuel it.
  7. adrick

    AusDayZ the betrayers, avoid.

    Lol how so? are you telling me killing random fuckwits isn't allowed in this game? ohh noes! i'm pretty sure everyone else in the group is safe, haha you hate to waste your breath? are you seriously just copying my insults?
  8. adrick

    AusDayZ the betrayers, avoid.

    Lol righto, still after all the shit you have written we have all yet to see how mature you really are? saying someone else has spelling mistakes doesn't do that, and no none of the shit you say is correct, we didn't like you, plus there more then 5 and all the people with the tags should have them we've already discussed that, and no that's not "the" reason i killed you. i killed you cause i don't like you and still don't it's funny how you went out of ur way to check my profile, i guess your probably trying to find my real id so you can rage more? hahaha nice. just means i got way more enjoyment from killing you, still you are a complete wank for saying that the group is not trust worthy or safe you knew dam well it was i who shot you. yet again you went out of ur way to put up a post bad mouthing the group not just me, seriously just me i wouldn't of even commented you're that much waste of effort. but these guys didn't do anything for you're shitty mouth to go badmouthing the name. i hope that you learnt from all of this and arn't such a fuckwit to the next group u team with. you would be all about the shades of grey.
  9. adrick

    AusDayZ the betrayers, avoid.

    HAHAHHAAHH I just had to reply to this crap, seriously i killed you, you fucken deserved it come near me again and i will do it again, your a tool, YOU ARE SCUMBAG STEVE, you start shit over TS talking shit which is why we muted you, not to mention the constant bullshit of nagging us to get you and give you gear and all that other shit, learn to play the game first atleast, also you go and post in the forums Bagging ADZ its just an aussie forums site you wank, not even a clan us 5 made our own seperate thing and all you fuckwits came along and added tags to ya names claiming you're apart of us, i told you i would fucken kill you and i did remember what you said to me? " chill out bro its just a game:" wtf did you think would happen being a fuckwit to someone on purpose?, just cause you goto uni does NOT make you a mature person your fucken actions and words give us that oppinion and obviously ur a complete little child you died from somthing you started now ur going to bag out everyone? I SHOT YOU, NO-ONE KNEW. But guess what! they all wanted to, also I bet the next group of people that have to put up with your voice will surely do the same, the pure fact that your only back up about ur behavior is lies, never once have you helped us maybe some other randoms in the forums. ( Also you called me out on being a dick? what i told you to goto the other channel that was designated for your part of the map also telling you to stop spamming our ts with ill-informed bullshit it's all logged if anyone seriously wants to get to the bottom of this shit I would gladly do it) Also love how the other groups get on and back up ur arse straight away not realizing that inviting you to them will surely result in the same thing. SUCK IT. Also i've been killed by a ADZ member. shit happens see me starting a forums crying like a little girl? HAHAHAHAH its just so funny, you should really just chill out and grow up hahahaahaha. maybe take some of your own advice it maybe hard due to ur arrogance but at least try.
  10. adrick

    AusDayZ the betrayers, avoid.

    Was it [ADZ] ?
  11. adrick

    AusDayZ the betrayers, avoid.

    Purely from this childish outburst you have proven you are, did they mute you before or after? Did you read up on there forum rules?
  12. adrick

    Looking for: Australian Team mates.

    I'm down! played over 60+ hours of dayz keen to start doing shit with a group from now on.
  13. adrick

    Vehicles less rare?

    Atleast put more push bikes out! not really any more need for cars and buses and etc but atv's,bikes would be great cause i love this game the way it is, but dam i am sick to death of running everywhere.
  14. adrick

    No Servers appearing on list

    happened to me also :(
  15. adrick

    Group Events

    I was thinking of an idea to help with more party style game play for people who's gotten a hang of the game and want just that little something more, Coming across certain places of the map i saw old castles, radio towers, fire stations and churches. Say you and two to four of your mates who have just loaded up on ammo,food and water come across a Radio tower up in the mountains one of your team fuels the generator and lights go on,etc. one of the team members climbs to the top flicks the switch box on the radio station. *Sirens* Event starts, now you and your team have to hold out that area for the next 10-20 minutes while under a rush of infected. HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE?
  16. adrick

    Group Events

    Yeah we'll that is agreed, no walling infected and etc, need to be able to funnel em atleast haha, also may need the power grids setup.