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Everything posted by Bizmal

  1. Bizmal

    Radio ?

    Dang sounds cool
  2. Bizmal

    War Declared?

    Next throw you and your friend in the fight and make it a TRI-WAR!!!!
  3. Bizmal

    Will this run?

    Yea at least 650.
  4. Bizmal

    Won't Load.......

    Some servers just take forever!! I wouldnt wait longer then 5 min unless it's a high pop server. Also if it's a zeroed server maybe it's not loading for anyone and that's why it's empty!
  5. Make sure your server version matches the dayz version u have. I use dayz commander for that. But you don't have too.
  6. Bizmal

    logging in dead

    I had that happen to me too. It ended up being a version difference between the server I was on and my dayz version.
  7. Bizmal

    alt f4 question

    I wouldn't know I take my deaths like a man!
  8. Bizmal

    Wtf... I don't even...

    Nice. er well not really nice but crazy
  9. So I really have enjoyed Dayz but the difficulty is extremely low. I always end up with amazing guns and tools but the zombie part of the game seems lacking. They just don't ever seem to be a threat and so the only real threat are players. It's getting to the point where it kind of revitalizes the game for me when I die because I have to start over but it doesn't last for long. So instead I go out and find other players to fight with but then another problem occurs. The fights don't seem to be much of a challenge. Not in the way that I'm so good I never die but in the way that when I'm the one who finds a player first it's like BAM BAM and they are done. Most the time you can tell they don't even see me and they don't even understand where to fight back at. The same happens for me but when I on the other end of the gun. I hear firing and I pin point the noise sometimes if I don't die right away but most the time I still don't see an enemy. All my fights except for a few are done in under 10sec. So what ends up happening is I spent two hours scavenging and 10sec fighting other players. Playing in cherno seems like a waste since I mostly end up killing new players. I wish there was something that I was working up to or maybe something to accomplish. Surviving just isn't enough and the lack of challenge puts me to sleep. Maybe we could make all lootable places random and drop the DAYzDB map. I'm not really sure what to do after that. I know its more realistic but it doesnt make it fun. Anyway I dig the game and it is only alpha but I've been loosing interested latly and I think I've been playing it for about a month.
  10. Something Something.... Bandits.
  11. Bizmal

    Loot not appearing

    I think its a server issue. I had the same problem in the same place, switching servers fixed it. I'm not sure beyond that.
  12. Bizmal

    Roaming Zombies.

    Perhaps having the occasional zombie or zombies showing up in wooded areas even though no buildings are present would be a nice add on. Along with this thought have the player start with a simple melee weapon for defense would be nice.
  13. Bizmal

    No Servers appearing on list

    same here
  14. Bizmal

    New Vehicle Idea

    Nice idea. Very cool.
  15. Going with the idea that in the future you will be able to at least see more then total and absolute blackness and with the understanding that the darkness should bring limited visibility yet still allows you to operate without specific and must have tools. I think the night and day cycles should be increased. It's a cool idea to match real time but it doesn't really work well with the game play. if instead days & nights were lasting about (taking a guess with no testing involved) 2 hours each. It would add more of that survival game play that DayZ brings to the table. Imagine your getting hungry or thirsty and you have nothing at the moment to consume and you have only 30 minutes before the day is over and night begins. To avoid this situation you would have to think ahead and plan your day or be forced to scavenge around zombie infested areas in the darkness. It would also make many items far more useful in the game. Such as the chemlights, flares and flash lights. Not to mention the watch would be a very nice item to have on your tool belt. Last but not least have all the DayZ servers run the same day and night cycles as to prevent players from hopping to another server to avoid the darkness. Thats what most players do now. The darkness as is, seems to be over whelming and far too long. A middle ground is needed so that darkness is a far more dangerous and tense time then day cycle yet not unplayable without proper tools and items. At the same time making sure that items and tools like night vision and the flash lights don't lose their value.
  16. Bizmal

    Question about thew pistols

    Since there is a clitch that allows unlimited ammo I welcome it. It makes things to easy.
  17. Bizmal

    The Problem With Blood

    This is correct, I kill every animal I see even if I don't need it at the time. Different animals give different results. I find sheep to extremely helpful.
  18. Bizmal

    Simple Rant

    That was kind of harsh. I would agree that making the game easier for the player to survive is not an option. Atleast on Regular it's not to difficult. Perhaps your not using the dayzdb.com map. That alone punches a hole in the regular difficulty.