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About OmegaAlphaBaby

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. OmegaAlphaBaby

    DE 389, Hello kitty

    You are not supposte to play on the servers without battleye and then cry about being ***** by a cheater, also you should know that 2 slots are LITTLE BIT less then need to be an "oficial" server. So, just cry me a river
  2. OmegaAlphaBaby

    DE 389, Hello kitty

    Hello, guys, this crap is a joke, isn`t it? :huh: I think this is freaking ridicilous :blink: , but it`s alive like for a week or may be two >:( (I was waiting for some1 to deal with it because I`m lazzy ) So, what do we have? No battleye and 2/2 slots, still connected to the hive (confirmed by me),not bad :beans: . Also there are some other servers without BE connected to the hive. Tell me now why community is so f****d :D P. S. I`m just testing some laggs etc