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About Biito

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    I don't like to kill people but if I see them reloading they're dead.
  1. Someone who has a gun and is trying to counter snipe/ghost is not a fresh spawn. Retard.
  2. So today I was sniping at Electro when I noticed people trying to ghost me, so I end up running over to counter sniper hill only to see 2 different people log in around my previous sniping spot 5 or so minutes later. One of them I hit twice with a DMR at 600 m's once in the leg and once in the chest. (Don't ever fucking trade an m24 for a dmr) So I know the DMR does 8000 dammage so I'm wondering if it's because I hit her in the leg from a distance the DMR isn't zeroed for or what? Or should I just assume if I shoot someone twice with a tier 2 sniper and they don't die that they're scripting. Just wondering as I'm fairly new to sniping (she also ran off after taking two shots, by that I mean got up and ran).
  3. Biito

    Guns hiss?

    So today I was attempting to snipe with a DMR (Don't trade this out for an m24) 10 or so minutes in I hear shots fired my direction (the bullet hits the ground next to me). Now I've been playing for awhile but I still haven't heard all the sounds they make but the sound the gun that fired on my made resembled a hissing noise. Was it the SVD or some form of silienced gun with the bullet hitting right next to me? I've played the game for close to two months now and honestly have no Idea what it could be. I've also heard my fair share of hacked guns/used and it didn't sound like any of them. (It also sounded like it was semi automatic if that helps anyone).
  4. So today I was running through the woods after someone teleported right in front of me as soon as I saw that I alt f4'd. Now was I in the wrong for doing this or not as I've had people tell me of people getting banned out of the hive for alt f4'ing and I'm wondering whats going to happen.
  5. Biito

    Servers going down.

    I asked for reliable servers not an explanation on why they go down.
  6. Biito

    Servers going down.

    Why did you feel the need to post this? It has nothing to do with this thread.
  7. Biito

    Servers going down.

    It's not the items disappearing it's the servers going down completely, did you even read what I posted?
  8. I'm not a server admin myself so I really have no idea how hard it is to run a server with all the restrictions and bugs in this game so I can't complain but I'd like to be able to set up a camp and not have the server I've placed my gear in to be down 3 days later never to be seen again. So I'm asking do any of you know reliable servers that are generally up, load somewhat quickly and have a playerbase between 8-18 people? Any feedback would be appreciated as I've set up 4 camps so far on servers I'd thought to be very good but they always disappear from the server list. A small list of the ones I've had troubles with are US 197, US 807, DE 505 which I no longer seem to be able to get on as the pings to high for me now for some reason. (Even after I played on it for a week)
  9. Biito

    It won't let me update

    Thank you you have my beans
  10. More common than a Winchester you say? I've found dozens of Winchesters, never an as50 or a m107 the only actual sniper I've ever found was the CZ550 which we all know sucks Donkey dick compared to the other sniper rifles. Also isn't the catch of this game that it's supposed to be somewhat realistic? We should be glad there are no arteries and organs in this game as then almost everyshot would be a 1 shot kill.
  11. So over the last week I've gotten two script restrictions one of them was called Script restriction #87 which I looked up had to do with mounted m240's which are the gun on helicopters I believe, and the other was #54 I believe, anyways I'm just wondering why I'm getting these as I never have before and whenever they happen they crash the game. I would of put this in the bug report thread but I'm not sure if this is actually a bug and has anyone else experienced these? It's not really a major problem as only 2 of the servers I've joined this week has it happend. (I usually never play on the same server once, although I do like to play on US197 when it's up, if anyone wants to play on there with me i'd be happy to).
  12. So over the last week I've gotten two script restrictions one of them was called Script restriction #87 which I looked up had to do with mounted m240's which are the gun on helicopters I believe, and the other was #54 I believe, anyways I'm just wondering why I'm getting these as I never have before and whenever they happen they crash the game. I would of put this in the bug report thread but I'm not sure if this is actually a bug and has anyone else experienced these? It's not really a major problem as only 2 of the servers I've joined this week has it happend. (I usually never play on the same server once, although I do like to play on US197 when it's up, if anyone wants to play on there with me i'd be happy to).
  13. I've seen the hyukki guy before :\ was spawning in cars on some Seattle server
  14. I've been playing Dayz for the last 2 or so months now and a hacker would occasionally come on a server and kill everyone, spawn vehicles everywhere, ect. But over the last 5 or so Days I've been killed by hackers at least 7-8 or so times on a different server each time. Has anyone else had increasing difficulty with this in the last week or am I just unlucky? Also didn't know where to put this topic so I figured General Discussion would work.