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About doomdesire86

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. doomdesire86

    How often do you die from glitches?

    Never actually, but I avoid ladders like the plague.
  2. doomdesire86

    Note This!

    I found a really creepy series of notes today. Was in a northern town that appeared to be totally unlooted. First note read "I see you". Found a second note in the adjacent town that said "Look behind you". Creepy AF
  3. Magnum is superior. Much higher damage(you can kill someone easily with a shot to the chest) and doesn't require a mag(although you can find speedloaders)
  4. doomdesire86

    KOS, because you play too much Simcity

    You know what this game would be without KoS? Boring.
  5. DDG's video is there to make a point. Obviously he knows acting like a jackass is going to get him killed. The point is that you can never trust anyone because they are "friendly". If they don't like the way you talk they'll shoot you. If they could throw you in the dust they will. The point is that no one is ever truly friendly and you'll be better off playing bandit. He's right, you know. 8/10 times playing friendly always ends up screwing you over.
  6. I really wanted to test experimental again, but the servers don't appear to restart so everything is loot stripped and I'm starving to death...anyone know when they restart or which servers restart?
  7. doomdesire86

    Which vehicles would you want to see in DayZ?

    pls rocket
  8. Are these radio towers in Arma 2? If they are in Arma 2 it's pointless trying to find a pattern between them since they're simply a port.
  9. Because they want to find a reason for making themselves feel better. They got KoS'd and they didn't like that. It's a natural response to insult the other player to make yourself feel better.
  10. doomdesire86

    .357 speedloader

    It works like a magazine but doesn't really give you an advantage at all since you can reload your .357 by pressing R(no speedloader) after the patch.
  11. Found this gem yesterday. Don't know how it enhances my revolver, considering you can now reload revolvers by pressing R after the patch. If anyone has any theories I'm open to testing
  12. doomdesire86

    Kiev Riots - DayZ SA Gear Inspiration

    I saw a picture of a Kiev protester wearing a pot as a helmet. rocket pls
  13. If it's a low population server, 80% of the time the players on there are doing nothing but looking for loot. That means Cherno, Elektro, Berenzino, and all airfields are prone to players. Best bet if you want to gear up is stick to small military bases, offices in smaller towns, shacks, ect.
  14. doomdesire86

    Burlap Sack Bug

    Is this a bug just with my Burlap Sack, or is it just a glitch with Burlap Sacks in general? It has a percentage under it(like consumable foods) at 0% and when I try to put it on I get something along the lines of "there is nothing left". And it is pristine.
  15. Mosin and Magnum are my personal choice. Walk around with the magnum out, and take out your mosin for engagements where it's needed. The new patch made it so that you can reload your magnum simply by pressing R, you no longer need to hit TAB, so that's a huge plus.