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Boyscout (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Boyscout (DayZ)

  1. IRL Information

    Name: Andrew

    Age: 16

    Location: Indiana

    Timezone: EST, GMT -5

    Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?: Meet all requirements. I have teamspeak but am not familiar with the use of it since I have only used Ventrillo.

    Game Information

    IGN: Hurst3

    Steam ID (if applicable): warlordx14

    Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc): Rifleman or Sniper

    Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences):

    I would like to find a group to team up with that is friendly and has a safe base of operations. I'm interested in joining to do scavenging operations and helping others in the game.

    What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?:

    I have knowledge on squad tatics from doing Airsoft Military Simulation events (IRL). I am willing to take deaths for the greater good of the squad/base and will follow orders. I would be one of the people that would be willing to run out to assist a squad that is under attack and not hesitate no matter what.

  2. Age (Be Honest): 16 (Turn 17 in September)

    In Game Name: Hurst3

    Country/Timezone: USA, Eastern Standard Time

    Are You Active?: Yes. Usually on sometime from 5pm-10pm.

    Experience In Dayz: Had the game for about a week and am tired of going solo. I want to find a good group to team up with. I have stayed alive for 20+ in game hours right now and have racked up 45+ zombie kills(prefer stealth instead of kills). Currently gearing up my character in the NW Airfield.

    Have You Worked In A Team Before?: On Sundays I play Airsoft on a team (Butler Indiana Airsoft) that is nearby. About half of the team consists of retired military/law enfoecement. I go to Military Simulation events around Indiana and have knowledge on squad tatics. I also do Marching Band and am currently the section leader of the Trombones. I am in Boyscouts and I am currently working on Eagle Scout. Also I am on the Mayor's Youth Advisary Council in my city.

    I may only be 16, but I guarentee you that I have the maturity of 18+ years.

    To contact me on Skype: Scout-Sniper13
