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Posts posted by Asekz

  1. Age (Be Honest): 22

    In Game Name: Asekz

    Country/Timezone: U.S. Central

    Are You Active?: Yes 3-4 hours a day

    Experience In Dayz: I have explored the map extensively. I have used almost every weapon in the game except for some of the higher end sniper (i.e. AS50, M107, SVD). I feel I have done everything I can do playing the game solo and wish to experience team aspects and the things that come with being a part of a structured force.

    Have You Worked In A Team Before?: I have played as a group of 2 multiple times in dayz, but nothing more than a duo group. Out of dayz I have played everything from BF:V to World of warcraft. I have decent knowledge of squad tactics and large scale combat.

    Skype: Radicalraidial

    Steam: Raidial

  2. Age (Be Honest): 22

    In Game Name: Asekz

    Country/Timezone: U.S. Central

    Are You Active?: Play 2-3 hours everyday, probably jump up to 4-7 on weekends depending on work schedule.

    Experience In Dayz: I've played for about 2 months. I have been playing with another friend more recently, running double ARs. He has started a new full time job so he is not on during the week at all anymore.

    Have You Worked In A Team Before?: I have played games competively for about 8-9 years. First team environment that I was part of was in Battlefield: Vietnam and it has spanned across pc to console. Everything from Day of Defeat: 1.6 to as recently as Battlefield 3. I have a decent amount of experience working in squad play has most of my teams for Battlefield: vietnam, BF2, and BF3 used heavy squad based tactics.
