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Everything posted by macscottie

  1. There is a second part, where I get real good footage of a guy server hop exploiting. I will have it up in a couple of dayz. Enjoy
  2. macscottie

    Long firefight against exploiters.

    Part 2: Huh? Fraps to record... Also, I personally prefer veteran with crosshairs off(3rd person on, obviously), but the group of people on that server know the admins and have a good base, so it's probably going to be my semi-permenant server.
  3. macscottie

    Good dayz to die

    part 2: Another good day to die. I spend much of this video re-gearing in an exciting, suspense filled romp through Elecktrozavodsk - my old friend. With an exciting PvP encounter that starts about halfway through. I played for several hours past the video, and ultimately everyone but one person you could hear on comms ended up dying. Stay tuned for more senseless death in my next video.
  4. At approximately 1125pm EST I had just gotten NVGs. The best shit in the game, and some fucking dickless hacker killed everyone on the server. I had: DMR - 5 mags PDW - 5 mags Large Coyote Pack 3 grenades 3 smokes GPS NVGs Rangefinder 3 cooked meat 3 water bottles knife, hatchet, compass, map(no matches though...) and more I am absolutely fucking livid. I finally managed to get a pair of NVGs and die not 30 min later. We were making our way to a good campsite to set up tents when this shit happened: I have the 6 min directly prior to it happening as well. Fucking horseshit. Is there a way to recover gear?
  5. Instead of being held in your hand directly in front of your face where they blind you, how about making the chemlights and flares attach either to your shoulder or to your belt(my vote goes to a belt attachment point)? For ArmA veterans, this is how ACE treats Chemlights and it works fairly well(even if they're not for light in ACE, they're for identification). edit: I forgot to add - Since everyone in Day Z wears a tac vest, the attachment point could also be on the vest.
  6. macscottie

    A few suggestions, mostly about time-flow.

    I agree with some of your points and I disagree with some of your points, but the one I'm going to address here is day/night cycles. What I think needs to happen with night time is it needs to be set to default to a bright night every time. No more pitch black nights. While I love the idea of not being able to see anything at night in the darkness, all someone has to do is crank their gamma/brightness/HDR to max and they can see, even in the darkest of conditions. What this does is it puts legitimate players at a massive and unfair disadvantage as they're fumbling around blind while others can see as if it were daytime. Making it so everyone can see at least moderately at nighttime would curb this issue a lot. Also, it doesn't have to take away from the atmosphere. A nighttime fog system could easily be implemented to cap view distance at night to, say, 500m(on another note, I love how 500m is the MINIMUM view distance in ArmA and it would a maximum distance in most other games)? I personally think that a bright moonlight night with fog rolling in would be as atmospheric as a pitch black night, and it wouldn't put me at a huge disadvantage to cheaters.
  7. I'm going to make a series of Day Z videos. Is there anything specific people want to see? Also, what do you guys think the time cut-off for ArmA/Day Z videos should be? At what point do you start losing interest in a longer video? I hope you guys enjoy. p.s. Is there a way to embed youtube videos in posts on this forum?
  8. macscottie

    Day Z Gameplay series with helpful Commentary

    Day 6(Day 5 was unrecordable):
  9. macscottie

    Huge FPS problems?

    derp can you give a link to the place he says that? Cause I really want to play but the new lag issue is making Day Z unplayable :(
  10. macscottie

    Day Z Gameplay series with helpful Commentary

    Day 3: This video has a little bit of daytime sneaking and explanation, a bad PvP encounter, and some co-op zombie slaying. Enjoy
  11. macscottie

    Day Z Gameplay series with helpful Commentary

    Part 3 - Day 2: You'll see in this video where some of the really good loot comes from. Tent cities like in this video, but especially all airfields. The best loot in Day Z is found on airfields. As for daytime sneaking, you would have seen that in this video but the server crashed right at the end when we were about to sneak in.... However, as you can see from my last two videos... sneaking is not exactly my forte. A stealther I am not. That said, I'll try to get some daytime sneaking and some commentary on how sneaking about works next video. What that really means is that I'll fuck up and end up in a huge fight for my life against 100 zeds in my next video >>
  12. macscottie

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase only. An open world FFA FPS/TPS survival monster/zombie game would sell like hotcakes. Unless it turned into an MMO, then I'd consider a monthly sub. But it would have to be greatly expanded upon to be an MMO and actually have a sense of direction. But MMOs of late(the past 10 years) have all turned to shit. So I wouldn't want to see the Day Z experience in an MMO unless it could pulled off "right".
  13. macscottie

    Flare and Chemlight attachment points

    I'm 100% down with that. The way ArmA handles flashlights is pretty bad. You can never keep them pointed forward when you really need to. It would realistically take about 10 seconds for someone with an IQ above 80 and all the tactical gear our characters have to rig their flashlight to their belt or vest.