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About franklin

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. franklin

    US Hardcore Servers

    You used racist words that were not tolerable in any circles except the KKK, and will remain banned from our servers. Racism is not tolerated in the mod anywhere, and I feel you as a person have a lot of growing up to do. to other server admins, his Player ID is: 10752966 Hope you enjoyed the beans while they lasted.
  2. franklin

    To US Hardcore admins (server 2 especially)

    We are also testing bandwidth settings to see what works best to allow us to keep all 4 servers online and without lag. So untill we can find the perfect settings we will keep tweaking things. All for the better in the long run!
  3. franklin

    US Hardcore Servers

    Direct any traffic for the servers to http://13thsfg.com TS @ dallas.jestservers.com:7080 PW: freedom
  4. franklin

    tent issue / gutting animals

    I have this issue. Cant place tents, and cant gut animals. I also always have a "save old camping tent" in my action menu.
  5. @LEV: Yes bandits can do this too, any group should be able to. The risk comes in remaining in place long enough to revive your friend, if you even have the equipment. Also you would have to complete the revive before 5 minutes. If there is a huge firefight between two groups, many would not be able to be revived, due to the time it would take to finish the fight, ensure the area is now safe, and then locate the downed person. Assuming the people still alive carried the medical gear (or had access to it in the downed person's backpack), they would have limited time to revive people. The revive function would then serve to revive the unfortunate losses due to a zombie rush, or a single bandit doing something stupid, and not neccessarily clan wars.
  6. franklin

    Chopper Radar

    This should be disabled, as its too easy for people with choppers to simply fly around and find the dots on the radar, corresponding to working vehicles on the map. In most cases those vehicles are parked near the campsites of the vehicle owner. This gives way too much power to those with choppers.
  7. I tried using your information to run the beta on my servers, but it didnt work. Can you post your full start line for an example?
  8. Best reward for working as a group I feel should be the ability to revive somebody. Revive that costs a good handful of medical supplies ie: 3 bandages, 2 bloodbags, 2 painkillers, 1 morphine, 1 epi. is a good way to balance it. Most groups would have this on hand if it was about 3-4 people, where a group of two may have a hard time carrying this much medical supplies and enough food/water/wood/ammo to survive well enough. Larger groups could easily afford to distribute the supplies across their members, as they can spare the room. Its nothing forced on players, but an option for all to use if they are lucky enough to have the equipment. It being a bit time consuming also has some inherent risk involved (more bandits attracted to the gun fire, zombies for several reasons), and should also be limited to a 5 minute timer. It would save a life or two (maybe more in larger groups) when they come across a random bandit that is out for some lulz. It would be very rewarding to save the life of a downed team mate, and not ruin the fun of the group if a few members are now KIA and back in beanville.
  9. franklin

    US Hardcore Servers

    AFAIK the main difference is no FOV dots (those little white dots that move around showing you where objects within 200m are, that are just off you screen in any direction). Bigmorgan, no worries man, you took from us some nice stuff, but nothing that was really needed. You have to understand that this is war though, all in good fun of course.
  10. Every time I try to launch monitor, I just get some python error saying theres nothing named "linecache" and some other bs. People are having issues connecting to the US Hardcore servers.
  11. I'd love to rocket, but I have no clue where to get the files.... EDIT: Finally got a link from somebody on the live chat, I had to damn near beg to get it, yet my server is still getting some python error when I try to start monitor.
  12. franklin

    The Bandit Code

    The real bandit code: pewpew from the hills with my CZ, and alt+f4 if they find me.
  13. I like it how it is. I'm not a noob, nor an NVG owner and I still operate just fine in the dark. Wait till there is some moon out and you'll be able to stay up late to play with the big boys.
  14. franklin

    US Hardcore Servers

    Sounds good BigMorgan! We call server 1 our home, and actively kick retards, high pingers and known sploit groups. We do need to build a team of trusted admins to help control the kiddies on servers 2,3, and 4 though. Send your resume to Bandit or myself for consideration.