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About Valar~Morghulis

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Valar~Morghulis

    Traders and Traitors

    I think -ULB- Roman is a pretty cool guy, eh makes good trades and doesn't afraid of anything. +1, milord if you please
  2. Valar~Morghulis


    I'll trade mine for a ghillie suit or a gps. At Stary at the moment. Steam: f00n4t1c if interested.
  3. lol@ the mention of WPM. Yeah I prefer to type as well but have mic just in case. f00n4t1c on steam, I added you.
  4. Valar~Morghulis

    L85A2 AWS

    got one, no ammo, I need a GPS, [email protected] and we'll meet
  5. Hey there, I stumbled on your post while googling TO servers. I live in downtown Toronto and I wouldn't mind partnering up from time to time, just to shake things up. I usually go the lone-wolf route, watching players through my scope and acting accordingly, but as of an hour ago my 5th day game ended because a hacker decided to insta-gib everyone on DE 975. Got a few tents so it wouldn't take me long to get in the swing of things again. Let's go fix some ATVs! Steam: f00n4t1c Anyone is free to add me, just don't backstab me. Front stabbing is better but no stabbing at all is preferred. I'm also looking to trade for a GPS.