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About kravock

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  1. kravock

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    We've fixed it in 1.8.2
  2. kravock

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Hey mate, the mod has gone through alot of changes! As for self blood bagging, you need a Whole Blood Bag to be able to self blood bag. The other ones can only be given to other people. To self blood bag you right click on the whole blood bag, blood baging other people is the same process where you look at them and use the option. Eating/Drinking has changed drastically too. We now have a nutrition system where everything you do effects it. Different food and water items give you different levels of hunger and thirst, as well as chopping wood or repairing car will use up more energy than just standing around. 1.8.2 has a lot of changes to balance the nutrition information for items. Hope i've answered your question well enough :)
  3. Yeah, we're aware of this. Trying to sort out a solution as quick as we can.
  4. kravock

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    That's good then. Might be a pretty big thing that needs doing, seeing as we will have to direct connect to the servers otherwise.
  5. kravock

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    Looking good Razor, good to see the mod getting a nice update. Have you guys been testing with the 1.63 Arma 2 Beta patch, seeing as GameSpy is shutting down at the end of the month.
  6. kravock

    Were can I find a mosin?

    Just found mine in a barn in Gorka. Got the PU scope in some residential house in dolina. I'd say you have a good chance of it spawning pretty much anywhere
  7. kravock

    bad version server rejected

    You'll only be able to join servers with version 113822. Check their server name before joining to make sure it has this. It will take a few hours for all servers to update to the latest version.
  8. kravock

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    We still seem to be having issues with zeds instantly respawning after killing one. I was in Krastostav in the shop and killed about 80 before I ran out of ammo. It was just me on the server.
  9. kravock

    DayZ - How to take down a heli

    Challenge accepted! :D
  10. kravock

    DAY Z Short Clips Series

    Good series mate, heaps of good videos and pwnage!
  11. kravock

    New "Viral" Zeds...

    Yep they are, still a one shot kill to the head though.
  12. This is my way of dealing with helicopters.
  13. kravock

    Low FPS, Bad Performance issues.

    I've just upgraded my pc to those same specs, and I'm still going down to 20 or less fps in cities. Have you over clocked your i5?
  14. kravock

    solid state drive help!

    Once you go SSD, you'll never go back ;)
  15. kravock

    Sudden New FPS Lag

    DayZ is only in Alpha, it will have these issues. The FPS lag on certain servers happens when they haven't been restarted for a while and the build up of objects causes your computer to work harder to render it.